Core Keeper from developer Pugstorm has a fresh major content upgrade coming, the first post-release update and it's going to release really soon on March 10.
Core Keeper is a lovely cozy underground mining adventure game from developer Pugstorm, that impressed me a lot during Early Access and now it's hit the big 1.0.
Core Keeper is a rather wonderful game about underground mining, crafting and exploration and it's about to get a big new Lunar New Year event along with some new permanent features to improve the game.
Next on my list to complete once my current run through co-op Terraria is done with, Core Keeper is another wonderful mining sandbox adventure and the 1.0 release has now been set with a new content roadmap to Summer 2024.
The wonderful mining, exploration and crafting game Core Keeper just got a big upgrade adding in modding support via, there's a new modding SDK and next month a new free expansion launches.
Two rather great sandbox mining games are set for an official cross-over. Terraria and the new kid on the block Core Keeper will both be getting free updates for it.
Core Keeper, the delightful pixel-art mining sandbox adventure that you can play solo or online with friends has a new roadmap. It sounds pretty exciting too with a mini-update coming out soon.
Pugstorm and Fireshine Games have announced that their game Core Keeper has managed to hit 1 million sales only a few months after entering Early Access.
An absolute gem of a game this and now perhaps a good time to go back and spend some proper time with it, as the rather large The Sunken Sea update is out now.