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This is wonderful! Texel Raptor, developer of the absolutely fantastic theme park building game Parkitect have announced a new Beta is available that brings in cross-platform online multiplayer.
Parkitect, the really sweet theme park building game from Texel Raptor is set two expand with two parts: a small paid DLC and a free upgrade for everyone.
Parkitect, one of the most magnificent games from 2018 had one of it's usual monthly updates but it turns out for Linux it was more than just some bug fixing.
Possibly one of the most relaxing and engrossing games release last year, Parkitect just expanded with a free update and a big Parkitect - Taste of Adventure DLC.
Releasing on November 20, Texel Raptor just announced the first big expansion to their incredibly fun theme park building game Parkitect and I couldn't be more excited.
Parkitect is one of those Early Access games that sits firmly at the top of my list to keep an eye on. It's really fun already and every alpha is a big boost for it.