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Viewing articles tagged for Slay the Spire
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If You Like… Slay the Spire

By scaine,
When Slay the Spire launched, back in January 2019, it represented the pinnacle in what became a well recognised genre - Deck Builders. Let’s delve into that genre and see lies beneath the surface.

Deck Builders Round Up

By scaine,
Deckbuilders! I love 'em. Slay the Spire got me into this genre digitally, after originally feeling the pull of Magic the Gathering in the late 90's. After over a hundred hours playing Slay the Spire, the classic that invigorated the whole genre, I had the bug, bad. So since late 2019 I’ve been hunting for more. MOAR! Here’s a round up of a few favourites.
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Slay the Spire fan expansion Downfall flips the game and lets you be the monsters

By Liam Dawe,
Downfall - A Slay the Spire Fan Expansion (the full name), is a bit of a mouthful but it's also spilling over the side with features. So much so, that it got a Steam release outside the workshop.

Slay the Spire gets Steam Deck and Steam Input compatibility

By Liam Dawe,
You'll soon be throwing cards around and defeating monsters with ease, as Slay the Spire now has proper Steam Input support so it's ready for the Steam Deck.

Slay the Spire testing Steam Input ready for the Steam Deck

By Liam Dawe,
Slay the Spire, one of the games that helped to really push the popularity of deck-builders is back with a fresh Beta build, this time getting ready for the Steam Deck.

If you enjoy Slay the Spire you should try the opt-in Beta for a better experience

By Liam Dawe,
Now that the huge update to Slay the Spire is live adding in The Watcher as the fourth character, Mega Crit Games have also updated their opt-in game engine upgrade Beta.

Slay the Spire patch 2.0 is out, bringing in The Watcher as the fourth character

By Liam Dawe,
As if I needed more reasons to dive into the Spire once again, Slay the Spire 2.0 is out which brings quite a lot of changes in addition to the fourth character.

Slay the Spire's fourth character to be released on January 14

By Liam Dawe,
Slay the Spire, a fantastic deck-builder roguelike that's one of my personal favourites released last year is finally getting the fourth character out.

My top 5 Linux games released in 2019, those that truly won me over

By Liam Dawe,
As 2019 is now properly over and done with, it's time to take a quick look back. Here's some thoughts on the Linux games released that sat above the rest.
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries found.
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