Viewing articles by Dennis_Payne
I am an open source game developer. I write about games and try to restore ones that no longer work. As a Fedora packager, I try to improve the games available with the distribution.

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Crawl through dungeons, hack computers, or explore an undersea base: Dungeon Crawler Jam

By Dennis_Payne,
A round-up of some interesting titles included in the recent Dungeon Crawler Jam 2022, there's a very varied mix.

A quick look at 2022 7DRL Challenge games

By Dennis_Payne,
The 7 Day Roguelike Challenge was earlier this month with over 200 games submitted. I've spent the past week and half playing various games and I've also seen some streamed. That still means I've tried only a small number of games and Game Jams tend to lead to more experimental games.
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Open Source Game Achievements with Gamerzilla

By Dennis_Payne,
For a while, I've been suggesting an open source game achievement system. Some people liked the idea but no one wanted to build it. Finally after LibrePlanet 2020, I decided to tackle the problem.

Even More Disc Room, a few gems from the recent Game Jam

By Dennis_Payne,
To promote the release of Disc Room, Devolver Digital sponsored a Game Jam. Here are some of the gems I've found in the entries.
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries found.
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