Viewing articles by mseidl

Age of Conquest III released

By mseidl,
Check it out here on Desura! Or check out the developer website here. QuoteAge...
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X-Plane 10 Mini-Review

By mseidl,
Overview: I haven't spent a lot of time with the game, so this is an initial opinion. But I wanted to detail how the install process went and how easily it works under Linux. I like playing flight simulators. The ...

Hello World!

By mseidl,
Hello GOL! I am a new writer here, and I will just give a brief introduction... My name is Martin, and I am a long time Linux user and gamer... I started using Linux in 1995 and playing video games on a Nintendo(old enough, but I do not r...
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries found.
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