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Viewing articles by alexa_bement
Alexa BeMent is an aspiring media creator and writer who may also secretly be a manatee masquerading as a human. A Virginia Tech graduate with Creative Writing and Cinema degrees, she has been a Freelance Writer since February 2023, and enjoys writing stories and consuming video essays when she's not planning the Manatee Uprising. Having played video games since before she could read, she is a lover of all things Legend of Zelda, FFXIV, horror games, and can play competitive Pokémon, especially as a Ghost type Gym Leader. We don't discuss how big her Pokémon plush collection is.

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Slay The Princess Review: As Pristine As The Blade Cuts Deep

By alexa_bement,
One year later, the path in the woods has been well-traveled, the Princess has been slain or saved many times over, and at the end of that path is the Pristine Cut major free update, the expansion on the base game that aims to fill in what's missing and bring the game to a completed state.
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