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Just a regular Linux user (not even a programmer at the moment of contributing) who used to mostly write about obscure but still interesting games with native support, in an effort to help them gain a bit of deserved exposure.
Guest Writer
February 2016 - September 2016
June 2019
December 2019 - April 2020
Contributing Editor
September 2016 - July 2017
Opinions at the moment of writing the articles were mine, though in some cases contents were edited or critical information was added by GOL Editors before approval.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled gaming news to mention PhotoMosh, a fun and quite powerful free web application to mess around with your images. It's actually pretty cool.
Suits: A Business RPG is a mysterious comedy game that was released more than four years ago. Recently it had a big update, which should improve the Linux version.
The absolutely exhilarating short horror visual novel Critters for Sale, which was originally released the first day of 2019, had its second chapter ("Goat") available for some time (Jun 2019, actually) and it's worth a look. Note: The article may cause issues if you have photosensitive epilepsy.
Discover my Body takes place twenty years in the future, in a dystopian society where a strange medical procedure was developed to enhance human consciousness, which is being used by people to escape their miseries and existential despair.
Monument is an indie FPS that was released in June 2015 to meet 'mostly positive' reviews on Steam. It also got a massive revamp nearly five years later.
Meteorite is a colourful and densely pixelated metroidvania FPS, made in Godot Engine for a Game Jam back in 2018 that's worth a look when you have a few free minutes.
Aseprite is a useful tool for artists, game developers and anyone interested in pixel art that's been around for nearly two decades and it's highly rated.
Game developer David Wehle, the creator of the third person short exploration adventure The First Tree, is starting up a blog and video series aimed at helping aspiring indie game designers to overcome all the inherent challenges of such an enterprise.
DoomEd was a program written by Carmack and Romero in 1993, to directly build the levels from the original Doom. Twenty seven years later, the developers behind Twilight Edge Software are releasing a free and independent port based on that program.
Last August, the developer responsible for the excellent mod Brutal Doom, revealed after a month of absence that he was working on a new project called VietDoom, which takes place during Vietnam War.
A Date in the Park is a lightweight point and click adventure that will take you approximately one hour to solve. It was actually released more than five years ago, but thanks to Proton 4.11, it is now possible to enjoy it on Linux -almost- without any problems.
Redie is a top-down shooter clearly inspired by Hotline Miami that was released three years ago on Steam. Just one month ago, an official announcement stated that the title has become absolutely free for everyone.