Viewing articles by neffo

Raze The Tower! Kerbal Space Program 0.25: Economic Boom Released

By neffo,
Kerbal Space Program has always been about building things. It has always been about those things exploding. Now - as part of the 0.25 update - it's about buildings exploding. (And plenty more besides.)

Reclaim The Couch: Steam In-home Streaming Returns To Linux

By neffo,
Here is some good news for those who like their desktops to be Linux, and their couch to be for gaming: the latest Steam Client Beta has re-enabled In-Home Streaming hosting on Linux.
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Where Kerbals Fear To Tread, Kerbal Space Program 0.24 Out Now

By neffo,
Budget caps to blow, reputations to ruin and missions to fail have now come to career mode in the fantastic sandbox space simulator from Squad.
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