Viewing articles by avarisclari
Real Name: Christopher WeigleOrigin: USA
Distro: Ask because it constantly changes
Preferred Package Management: Debian
Favorite Color: Gray
Favorite Linux game: Cave Story
Currently: Making 2 games Dungeon School and Non-Disclosable

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Wyv and Keep now available for Linux

By avarisclari,
Wyv and Keep is now available on Linux. Some of you may have already purchased it in the Indie Royale Alpha Bundle, and your patience has finally paid off. The level editor, known as the cartographer, is not yet available, but should be by the final relea...
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Alphafunding: Resonate

By avarisclari,
Resonate is a hybrid perspective shifting puzzle/platformer in which the player switches between 2D Top-Down views and 3D First Person views to get the whole picture.

Frozen Endzone from Mode 7 Announced

By avarisclari,
Frozen Endzone is from the developers of the highly acclaimed Frozen Synapse. It's an interesting take on Sports and Strategy, and while I personally don't care for American Football (Or Rugby as this seems more like) I still look forward to it. Estimated...

AlterEgo: DreamWalker Now on Linux

By avarisclari,
AlterEgo is a multi-level, platform game where you navigate around platforms, obstacles and monsters to collect jumping pixels.

Of Dinosaurs and Pineapples Released

By avarisclari,
As of yesterday, I finished my personal game Jam and released Of Dinosaurs and Pineapples to the public. This game was made from a (to me) massive collaboration with the community. You can download it 

AirBuccaneers Coming to Linux... Eventually

By avarisclari,
QuoteAirBuccaneers is a game with fierce aerial battles between Buccaneers and Vikings in mythical landscapes. You play as a Buccaneer or a Viking an...

'Dragua Montana' could become a game

By avarisclari,
I have announced that if I can meet the goal of my

Party of Sin Coming to Linux

By avarisclari,
In Party of Sin, you take control of the Seven Deadly Sins in a puzzle-platformer for 1-4 players.

Major Mayhem Coming to Linux

By avarisclari,
Major Mayhem has posted on their Desura page that they are working on a port to Linux using Unity. It's only in the comments and on the forum, but its a start.

Wasteland 2 Confirmed for Desura

By avarisclari,
In a recent conversation with them on Kickstarter, Wasteland 2 developers confirmed they would release on Desura. I do not know a...
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries found.
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