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Eador. Masters of the Broken World is a sore spot for Linux gamers, a title that had Linux support stated on its greenlight page and even a blog post that stated it's now high priority and that they have a team of people dedicated to the port, delay after delay and we are still sadly waiting.

The blog post:
QuoteWe always get a lot of requests to port Eador. MotBW to Linux and Mac systems. And, of course, this is our intention as well. But initially we planned to make other versions only after the Windows release.  Recent Gabe Newell’s statements made us rethink our plans one more time. If this man puts Linux to such a high priority then we should pay our attention to this matter more closely already at this point.

We’re happy to announce that Snowbird Games starts working with a separate team in order to bring Linux and Mac versions of Eador. Master of the Broken World. We hope that the game will be released on all platforms simultaneously this spring.

Sadly it seems that silence then fell for a while until...

Then they stated this on their forum when users asked about it.
QuoteHi guys,

we are really sorry about the delay of Mac / Linux version. In fact, we were sure it's not really a problem for our engine to work on -nix platform. So the Linux port has been considered as a 2-weeks task, and then 1-month, and then 2-months, and then we had a release on Windows with a bugfixing marathon of death for several weeks, and still we need to make some improvements in the engine to make Mac and Linux support. We are so sorry - but hope it will be done till the end of July.

The end of July came and no release, again. So it's now the end of August and I decided to chase the developer up and they had this to say:
QuoteHi Liam,

Linux port is going to happen sooner or later. We'd really like to put it or during the autumn though.

We don't have much experience in porting, so that's why it's taking so long.


So folks, don't get your hopes up on this one but it will hopefully surface eventually. Just sad when developers keep claiming it will be out and then keep delaying it. This is the problem with people who slap Linux support onto their titles without doing the research into porting their software over.

This is why I tell people NOT to buy titles until the Linux support hits, don't waste your money.

At least they aren't silent on the matter which is great, unlike some other developers, I am looking at you Mojang.

Eador is a universe made of countless shards of land drifting in the Great Nothing. Each of the shards is a little world unto itself, with geography and denizens of its own. The power over the shards is bitterly contested by Masters, the immortal beings mortals believe to be gods. Take the role of the mighty Master and shape the destiny of Eador! It is in your power to deliver the world from ultimate destruction – or to choke it with an iron fist of tyranny.

Eador: Masters of the Broken World is a turn-based fantasy strategy game, where the decisions you make affect the world even deeper than the battles you win.

Key Features
  • Balanced fusion of grand strategy, turn-based tactics and RPG elements;
  • Boundless roleplaying opportunities;
  • Massive selection of stratagems and ways to wage war;
  • An intriguing, non-linear story;
  • An original fantasy world, living a life of its own.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Sabun Aug 30, 2013
Hey Liam, just to let you know that Ittle Dew has appeared in my Steam Linux library. Still missing an executable, but I think it might be released for Linux on Steam soon :)
Liam Dawe Aug 30, 2013
Quoting: SabunHey Liam, just to let you know that Ittle Dew has appeared in my Steam Linux library. Still missing an executable, but I think it might be released for Linux on Steam soon :)
I know, I'm in the beta ;)
Sabun Aug 30, 2013
Awesome :D
Mike Frett Aug 30, 2013
Devs could save a lot of trouble if they made their Games multi-platform to begin with; instead of using a DirectX lock-in. It's 2013 people, don't lock yourself into proprietary APIs. Speaking in general of course and even with OpenGL, some work has to be done; but a hell of a lot less than DX. Not to mention DX 11.1 is a Win8 only lock-in, heh it even locks out older versions of Windows.

If you all remember, DX9 worked across a variety of Windows OS's, including '98. In an effort to push it's DX API, I think with DX 10, MS decided to strip down it's support for OpenGL in order to push their lock-in API and lock out previous Windows platforms in order to do their signature forced upgrade on consumers.

And that was with Bill Gates, the strategy continued with Ballmer and I see no reason for it to change with a new guy/gal. In fact, I hear a Nokia guy will lead Microsoft -- the same guy that ran Nokia into the ground. If so, that's fantastic news for Multi-platform and Linux.

TL;DR: Don't lock yourself into Microsoft's proprietary API.
Anonymous Aug 30, 2013
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: Quote from SabunHey Liam, just to let you know that Ittle Dew has appeared in my Steam Linux library. Still missing an executable, but I think it might be released for Linux on Steam soon :)
I know, I'm in the beta ;)
I'm in as well, but I don't know for you guys, there is no way I can save my games. It is supposed to auto-save, but it doesn't.
Daifuku Aug 30, 2013
haha mike frett that was a great pot.

Indeed it is silly how many developers seems to keep locking their work under external propietary technology they cant control
km3k Aug 30, 2013
Quoting: Anonymous
Quoting: Quote from liamdawe
Quoting: Quote from Quote from SabunHey Liam, just to let you know that Ittle Dew has appeared in my Steam Linux library. Still missing an executable, but I think it might be released for Linux on Steam soon :)
I know, I'm in the beta ;)
I'm in as well, but I don't know for you guys, there is no way I can save my games. It is supposed to auto-save, but it doesn't.
I'm in the beta too and having the same problem. I emailed the developer about it, but haven't heard back yet. I'm on Arch Linux x86_64.

Also, thanks Liam for this article. I'm really looking forward to Eador.
FutureSuture Aug 30, 2013
Quoting: DaifukuIndeed it is silly how many developers seems to keep locking their work under external propietary technology they cant control
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