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So, it looks like The Witcher 3 will really be coming to Linux thanks to SteamOS, but will you be buying it?

This is the image that showed up on Steam's home-page:

I am really hoping it will be a native port since the eON technology isn't for me up to scratch at all, but maybe in future it will be who knows. They have until February 2015 to sort out the Linux version, so one would hope it will be a decent port regardless of the tech used to bring it to our platform.

If it is a real port it will blow pretty much any other action+rpg type game we have right now away.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a story-driven, next-generation open world role-playing game, set in a graphically stunning fantasy universe, full of meaningful choices and impactful consequences. In The Witcher, you play as Geralt of Rivia, one of a dying caste of monster hunters, and embark on an epic journey in a war-ravaged world that will inevitably lead you to confront a foe darker than anything humanity has faced so far—the Wild Hunt.

This is great news to see CD PROJEKT RED take notice of Linux. This news follows on from the fact that's new game client will eventually support Linux too.

UPDATE: It seems someone flipped a switch too early and it may not even happen. That's quite a big derp someone did. See our comments for more info. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Anonymous Jun 7, 2014
I bought the 2nd, got terrible performance (I can run Metro LL in 1080p 60FPS). So yeah, eON can suck my sticky balls. Will never, ever buy anything eON shit wreck again.
Anonymous Jun 7, 2014
Liam, could you please contact them and try to get them to clarify whether this will be a native port? I don't think many of us are in a hurry to preorder after the Witcher 2 debacle.
GoCorinthians Jun 7, 2014
Pre-ordered it! Dont care if it will be a wrapper.

Buy a decent PC, Im running at maxsettings(ubber of).
DrMcCoy Jun 7, 2014
Quoting: GoCorinthiansBuy a decent PC

Yes, yes, I'm sure you'd like to give us each $3000 for a system with an i7-5960X and a Titan.
Lapinopl Jun 7, 2014
I think its gonna be native since witcher 3 is coning to ps4 ad well. Second one was only on win and x360 , so they wrapped it for small Mac/Linux crowd who won't make too much noise among gaming community. But they had to actually get it running on ps4 API so might as well get opengl version. Only speculation tho, time will show.
Anonymous Jun 7, 2014
Quoting: GoCorinthiansPre-ordered it! Dont care if it will be a wrapper.

Buy a decent PC, Im running at maxsettings(ubber of).

Exactly what didnt you understand? I can run Metro LL in full HD at maximum settings with 60FPS, yet the Witcher 2 piece of crap runs at like 10 FPS on Lowest. Its not really a matter of having a decent computer, its a matter of having a quantum super-computer or not. Either you get a quantum computer OR they buy a book on OpenGL programming.
SXX Jun 7, 2014
Quoting: killxdenAlso the eON wrapper is still under development for Linux, if you want to help improve it for future eON ports, then help the devs.
No, thanks. I better go pray their company go bankrupt.

I doubt there is something worse than closed source proprietary Wine that not likely will share their codebase with mainline. More of proprietary wrappers it's not something Linux need for sure.
Anonymous Jun 7, 2014
Quoting: GoCorinthiansPre-ordered it! Dont care if it will be a wrapper.

Buy a decent PC, Im running at maxsettings(ubber of).

that unfortunately doesn't fly in w2 case. i read how people with much beefier machines can't pass 10fps.

i'm running it on 9800gt at 720p (my tv) without single problem and no frame drops whatsoever. and to make it even worse, friend is running it without problems on old amd and nvidia 520. then 3rd friend has 780gtx and i7, while his game is completely unplayable even at same settings as me. go figure

it can help if you try reading the git issues users posted, but if you're unlucky probably all you can do is wait for update. still, at least developers are pretty active in communication in that git
FutureSuture Jun 7, 2014
This "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is sooooo old so it made sense to use a wrapper lol" mantra needs to die post haste. Trine and Limbo, both games that already exist on Linux (the former natively, the latter wrapped through Wine), are much older than The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and are getting new, native Linux clients this year, and the developer teams behind them are much, much smaller and therefore much less financially capable.
Berillions Jun 7, 2014
@FutureSuture : Trine and TW2 are not the same thing ...
It's more difficult to port natively TW2 than Trine. TW2 = AAA, Trine = Indies.
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