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Aspyr Media Plans More Linux Games In The Next 6 Months UPDATED

By GNU Fan -
Aspyr Media are starting to be fan favourites with their open communication. They can't give full details of course, but they have given us hints about more games coming to Linux.

Speaking on reddit one of their team stated this:
Aspyr BlairI have a confession to make team Linux.

In addition to the super secret project that shall never be named;), there will be 2 more Linux projects coming from Aspyr over the next 6 months. One of them you don't know you love yet...the other, you already do.

Its going to be a great year for Linux and Mac gaming.

It's not clear if this includes the new Civilization game or not, but it's still good to know they are working their asses off to bring us some big name games.

What games do you think it will be? I am seriously hoping for some Star Wars games as a long time fan.

For those really not in the loop: Aspyr Media are the studio behind the Borderlands and Civilization ports for Linux.

UPDATE: It has been confirmed by Aspyr that Civilization: Beyond Earth is not included in this announcement, and that there are actually 7 games, not 2, to be released over the next 6 months for Linux.

AspyrCorrect, this is in addition.

Actually the count just got bumped to 7 O.O

Aspyr <3 Linux

It should be noted this includes DLC. Article taken from
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EKRboi Oct 30, 2014
Quoting: ShmerlIt wasn't GOG's fault as far as I know. inXile's "patch" literally changed most of the files. One of the reasons may be that they generate compression dictionaries randomly for each release and even if source data didn't change, the result will be different. It's really up to inXile to ensure that each patch is as minimal as possible.

I've read the same thing.. so does steam re download 11+ GB everytime inXile submits a patch? If what You're saying is true they changed every texture/graphic asset.. every lib that comes packaged.. EVERYTHING. How are they patching the win and linux version then? PR cop out if you ask me.

Quoting: ShmerlI'm not sure what kind of games would require using multi-GPU setup. Unless of course you use some huge 4K resolution or some such. In normal cases SLI is simply an unneeded overkill which drains power and costs a lot. It makes more sense for some intense computing, not for gaming.

Um.. sorry this is not true. If you want to crank up the eye candy to MAX and beyond on many really demanding games, even at 1080p you can't get CONSISTENT 60fps with the best single cards on the market. If I didn't care about that eye candy.. I would own a console.. I do care and I don't own a console. I like 3 monitor gaming.. some people like gaming at 120hz or even 144hz on a single monitor.. a single card isn't supporting that.

3x 1080p monitors, I'm gaming @ 5760x1080, so 3/4 of 4k ;) I do as much gaming as I can in Linux.. but windows is still very much a necessity for me until Nvidia gets off their @ss and fixes up multiGPU/SLI for Linux and brings it in line with the functionality of their Windows drivers. Borderlands 2 and TPS runs between 20-30 FPS @ 5760x1080 in Linux on my setup. 60FPS(vsync) all day long in windows, with vsync disabled it climbs close to 100 :|
Shmerl Oct 30, 2014
Quoting: EKRboiUm.. sorry this is not true. If you want to crank up the eye candy to MAX and beyond on many really demanding games, even at 1080p you can't get CONSISTENT 60fps with the best single cards on the market.

You don't need SLI for that. Using single high end GPU can handle even 1920x1200 on high settings. I'm not talking about crazy options like ubersampling in TW2, those are an overkill which by design assumes multiple GPUs and it's completely unnecessary for the minor gain it provides. I'm yet to see any game which requires multiple high end GPUs to run.

4K resolutions is another story. I personally don't see a need for such crazy resolutions in games. They can be useful for photo or video editing however. Current single GPUs aren't up to the task to handle them in gaming, so multiple GPUs is the only way to use them in such scenarios.
EKRboi Oct 30, 2014
"Requires" and "can utilize" are 2 TOTALLY different things. I WANT to be able to use Ubersampling and any other overkill feature a game may provide, but that's just me. I'm talking about "Ultra" or "ZOMG! Ultra" settings.. I think you are talking about "High" settings.

I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one, but I do hope I get those 2 or 3 8gb GTX980's I asked Santa for for Christmas ;)

As for 4k? Nope, I don't see the point in 4k yet either, and I've gamed on a tri 780ti SLI rig @ 4k.. it's nice, but not worth the price of entry IMO. For the same price-ish someone can get 3 good 1080p (1440p, etc.) monitors and 2 or 3 good GPUS and do Eyefinity or Surround gaming, and I definitely see the point in my triple monitor setup and I won't be giving it up. When 4k monitors come down to the <$300 per panel I paid for my 27" IPS panels and graphics cards can handle 3 of them, THATS when I'll be interested.
Shmerl Oct 30, 2014
Quoting: EKRboi"Requires" and "can utilize" are 2 TOTALLY different things. I WANT to be able to use Ubersampling and any other overkill feature a game may provide, but that's just me. I'm talking about "Ultra" or "ZOMG! Ultra" settings..

I'm talking about max settings which actually make sense. Ubersampling doesn't make any sense for me. It's like requiring one to get a bulldozer to clean some dust form the floor. It's a very poor, power and resource hungry brute force antialiasing technique (it basically renders the scene multiple times, so that's where multiple GPUs come in). I'd rather prefer developers to come up with smarter methods.
Purple Library Guy Oct 30, 2014
Quoting: WorMzyI don't know I love it yet? I wonder if that's a cryptic hint at something. Hopefully it's more substantial than a pigeon dating simulator. :P
More substantial?! That simulator was absolutely essential to preserving the sometimes fragile relationship between Ernie and Bert!
FutureSuture Oct 30, 2014
Sensational news. Aspyr is really taking off when it comes to Linux support. I wonder why Feral is keeping so quiet both in terms of announcements as well as engaging with the community.
pb Oct 31, 2014
Let's see now. Who might have ordered 5 Linux ports in one go? May it be Call of Duty? If I count right, there are five Call of Duty Mac ports on steam, all made by Aspyr: CoD2, Black Ops, MW1, MW2 and MW3. Seems about right. ;-)
edo Oct 31, 2014
they are working on 3 games and 4 dlc, Bioshock infinite has 4 dlc, so its probably they are porting this game.
compholio Oct 31, 2014
Quoting: edothey are working on 3 games and 4 dlc...
Sslaxx Oct 31, 2014
Quoting: edothey are working on 3 games and 4 dlc, Bioshock infinite has 4 dlc, so its probably they are porting this game.
If so, that still leaves two games that are not Bioshock or Civ:BE.
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