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I have been really looking forward to playing Legend of Grimrock 2 soon. Unfortunately, the game is not available for Linux yet, and as it seems it's not certain whether we will see it on Linux at all. I have emailed the developers asking about Linux availability, and this is the response I got:
Juho Salila (Almost Human Games)
Hey Kamil,
Unfortunately we can't promise a linux port at this moment.
It's up to you to deduce how likely we are to see a Linux version in the future, but it certainly won't be soon.
Maybe, if there's a strong support under this article, I can send a link back to them and it might convince them a bit more that the demand is here. Or maybe you have better ideas. Anyway, this is really bad news for dungeon crawling fans. :(
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I was really looking forward for Grimrock 2 for Linux. Would've bought it on day one.
But let's see. Maybe we will still see Grimrock 2 for Linux one day.
Yes a shame there might not be a linux release, but if you like this style of old school Dungeon Master/Eye of the Beholder game then its silly to skip it just because there won't be a native version. Does it really matter that I am running it in a crossover shell, sorry not to me, it matters if I enjoy myself and 23 hours of gameplay tell me I did :)
why? quite at the end theres a secret that requires you to use multiple items.. some of which you very likely trashed hours earlier (like throwing stones). that single thing made me ragequit the whole game, as i was so upset about the possible loot that i was going to never see - because of the _worst_design_flaw_ever :P