Excellent news today folks, Feral Interactive have now officially confirmed that Tomb Raider will be coming to Linux "This Spring".
This Spring, Linux takes the rousing leap you’ve been hoping for. We heard your requests: Tomb Raider is coming. pic.twitter.com/Eo5ZbsrC6Y
— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) March 23, 2016
This is very exciting as it's another Square Enix to have on Linux. The game itself I personally thought was excellent, as I played some of it on the PS3 years ago but never finished it.
From the press release:
Quote“We are delighted to be bringing one of gaming’s best-loved franchises to Linux in the exhilarating form of Tomb Raider,” said David Stephen, Managing Director of Feral Interactive. “It traces Lara’s evolution from amateur explorer to battle-hardened survivor in an amazing adventure that Linux gamers will relish.”
Tomb Raider will be available from the Feral Store, Steam and other third-party stores, and will retail for US $19.99, £14.99 (inc. VAT) and €19,99 (inc. VAT).
About the game
Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.
Feral Interactive must have my secret list of games I want to see on Linux.
Will have to buy the DLC to support Feral.
Does it works if you remove the game from your library and buy the game again ?
You need to contact steam support to remove a game.
I really would go for gifting the game or buying DLCs instead.
Last edited by Eike on 23 Mar 2016 at 2:22 pm UTC
Last edited by s8as8a on 23 Mar 2016 at 5:05 pm UTC
Can we have Rise of the Tomb Raider, too? :D
Greetings from Germany!
Awesome to see SE coming to Linux and porting major titles. SE is one of the very few major publishers I still was missing on Linux (Bethesda is the only other one I can think of right now.)
If I had to choose one publisher to support Linux, and all the others might or might not, it would probably be Bethesda.
(Mayyybe after Daedalic.)

Last edited by tmtvl on 23 Mar 2016 at 8:42 pm UTC
Is there any chance they release it on GOG.com? Because I would really like to buy it, but I don't spend money on non-DRM-free games.
Very little. The person in charge at SE is a huge fan of DRM. At least it's "just" the regular Steam DRM, which, for what it's worth, is comparatively non-invasive by DRM standards. They are not Rockstar or Ubisoft.
Is there any chance they release it on GOG.com? Because I would really like to buy it, but I don't spend money on non-DRM-free games.
Coming from that company, I don't think so... But, if someday this game is released on GOG, it will be without a Linux version.
See ... I said that the new item on the Radar was Tomb Raider, but everyone was so certain that it was Five Nights at Freddy's.
"F-Foxy" is still on radar for Mac and Linux, along with "-e^(i π) = ?" for Mac & Linux, "Depth Charge" for Linux and Mac, Sleeping Dogs just for Mac, "Starship Enterprise?" for Mac and "Pathetic Earthlings" for Mac.
The Spring Equinox/Stonehenge hint was separate from the radar and just for Linux, so it was likely to already have a mac port; hence Tomb Raider (which also fitted well with the mystery hinting style).
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