Croteam sure are busy, not only did they confirm The Talos Principle 2 is happening, but it seems I missed the fact that Serious Sam 4 was also confirmed to be in development right now.
Can't make it any clearer than what they said in the below tweet:
@Johnnygtms @AlenL @Croteam @NordicGame Confirmed to be worked on as we speak ;)
— Damir Đurović (@DamirDurovic) May 20, 2016
I should really go back and finish Serious Sam 3 sometime soon, as it was a pretty fun shooter. I never did get very far in it though, due to so many other things happening around that time.
Like with Talos 2, details are light right now as the announcement was made at the Nordic Game event.
Croteam really are awesome. They were one of the first developers to support Linux when Steam arrived, so I look forward to seeing what they can do with their future games on Linux.
It's exciting, as it's likely it will also use Vulkan since their engine now supports it.
Cheers for pointing it out Swiftpaw!
In the end, it was a great fun and we managed to "speedrun" the game in one evening. I also noticed that a couple of Linux players, including me, were loading before everyone else on each map. Even though the other player had HDD and I was on SSD, we were always first. Nice touch on optimization I think. Overall, the performance is one of the best among modern AAA-games on Linux. The graphics are still top notch, there are many secrets around and the maps are HUGE. They often feel like the open-world games ones.
If you don't have time to complete it solo, bring your friends on board like we did, it doubles and triples the fun!
SS3 is totally awesome. I completed it twice, first solo and another time was around NY2015 with a dozen of Steam friends....
I bought SS3 awhile back, but couldn't get the game to run on Linux at an acceptable framerate so I never played more than the first few minutes. This is probably down to poor AMD drivers though. I loved the original games however, so much fun. Hopefully now that they are developing with Vulkan in mind, the performance will be their so I can enjoy some Serious Sam once again :).
Last edited by lejimster on 22 May 2016 at 9:15 pm UTC
The charm of a small game dev company just going crazy and taking a chance, not that I want new chances I just hope they apply the Serious Sam fomula to SS4 and it turns out nice.
It has some boring moments, like when you're first attacked by choppers, but it's only to release tension in the second half the game, when you stop reloading and start shooting hundreds of poor devils in a row running backwards. Oh and it has split screen multiplayer.
In a few words: Serious Sam kicks some serious ass, no kidding.
Last edited by omer666 on 23 May 2016 at 5:03 am UTC
Insta-Buy for me!
But they were cool already in SS1 when we contacted them about the network / dedicated server issues we had.... they actually did provide a fix for that issues a week later.
Last edited by STiAT on 23 May 2016 at 7:17 am UTC
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