It's Sunday and a rare occasion of it not raining where I am so I am away for most of the day (I also really should make Sunday mostly a day off so I don't burn-out). So, what have you been playing this week?
I am still hooked on Stellaris myself and my time played is reaching silly levels already. On my second play through now as my first ended in my destruction.
I declared war on someone who was being a nuisance, but it turned out their fleet was far bigger than mine. We decided to call a truce, but then my closest neighbour decided I was too aggressive so they declared war on me and made short work of my tiny ships.
Anyone else already excited for expansions to it? I sure am. I would like to see more random events and more neutral aliens floating around to discover.
After last night I am keen to play some more OpenRA, as the tournament we did was great fun. Open source game engines always surprise me and it has been years since I tried it. Everything went smoothly and I lost of course.
I will leave you with a bit of wisdom from Linux & Mac game porter Ethan Lee:
If you're on Linux/OSX and a program seems buggy, run it through Valgrind. Be reminded that you allowed that program to run on your computer
— Ethan Lee (@flibitijibibo) May 14, 2016
Not really interested in Stellaris, it doesn't look that great to me, but I'm glad you guys are enjoying it.
Have been searching for tool to help game and driver developers debug, any tips are welcome.
Last edited by BOYSSSSS on 15 May 2016 at 9:34 am UTC
Epsxe 2.02
View video on
Tales of Symphonia
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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7
Neverwinter Nights
Rune Classic
Bastion Native
Psychonauts Native
Braid native
Grim Fandango Native
And others case arma 3 native, obscure 2, flatout 1, flatout 2
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 15 May 2016 at 1:46 pm UTC
Also got "Freaking Meatbags" dirt cheap on steam, and it is a pretty cool pixel tower-defense, RTS, gene-splicing kind of game that runs great on Linux.
Convoy is also fun, but didn't give me a long term motivation to play.
Battlestation Harbinger is cool if you are looking for a mobile game.
Not sure I will finish it, the beginning is interesting but it gets repetitive very quickly.
This week stay testing another round of games (native a non native) and some emulators case like as:I always enjoy mrdeathjr videos, no reason to remove them from my point of view.
Edit by liamdawe: Please, stop video spamming.
And others case flatout 1, flatout 2, arma 3 native, obscure 2
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