I'm never one to shy away from patting my fellow Linux users on the back, so here it is *pats*. Thanks to the Linux gaming community and our own contributor BTRE, ZED by Eagre Games has passed the funding goal on Kickstarter.
They now need less than $2,000 to hit their first stretch-goal, so hopefully they will hit that as it sounds like it will be a very nice thing to have.
Speaking on reddit (emphasis mine):
QuoteYou may remember that earlier this month I popped in here and asked for help testing a demo. The r/Linux_Gaming community and Gaming on Linux folks gave us so much support we decided we'd build a native Linux build of our game. In fact, the Gaming on Linux news article about us remains the #1 news article about us, from a backer generation perspective. That means more people backed us from the Linux gaming community than from news articles written about us in IGN, PCGamer, The Daily Dot, etc. The Linux Gaming community is demonstrably better than anywhere else -- Thank you!
It's great to read something so positive about our community here and Linux gamers elsewhere.
We had a bigger impact than some really massive websites, that's quite impressive. Well done to BTRE for doing the interview!
I am really pleased that the platform I started and continue to work on has had, and continues to have such an impact on developers.
Remember, you can write for us any time.
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
Well that was awfully nice of them to say. Go on Liam, give yourself a pat as well, preferably followed by a celebratory swig of rum. You (and your awesome contributors) really deserve to be proud at times like these. You might not have Valve's budget, but you really do an awful lot for Linux gaming.
Let's hope the game turns out as good as I hope it will.
Let's hope the game turns out as good as I hope it will.
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This is really nice. :]
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Quoting: tuubiYou might not have Valve's budget, but you really do an awful lot for Linux gaming.
Seriously. Ever since I switched, this has been the resource of Linux game news for me. The only others that even come close are LinuxGameNews and maybe Phoronix.
6 Likes, Who?
Thanks guys.
I know I butt-heads with some people at times in comments, but we are all here for the same cause and it's really pleasing when we all come together and things like this happen. This is all I want :)
I know I butt-heads with some people at times in comments, but we are all here for the same cause and it's really pleasing when we all come together and things like this happen. This is all I want :)
5 Likes, Who?
I am really interested in this game, waiting to hear back from the devs if there will be a DRM free option.
Quoting: PublicNuisanceI am really interested in this game, waiting to hear back from the devs if there will be a DRM free option.
From the campaign FAQ:
QuoteWe plan on selling the game via online platforms such as Steam and GoG, as well as the Apple App Store for Mac. Backers of our Kickstarters may have access to direct download.
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Quoting: GuestThat’s really surprising, especially since many people who write here (both in articles and comments) say they don’t buy before the Linux version is available or that they’ve been burned by kickstarter! But it’s also pretty cool ;).
Many also write that they are backing Linux crowdfunding. So I don't get the impression that most don't. Just those who are upset complain, and you can see them, while others don't talk about it until asked.
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Nice to see it might reach some of its cooler stretch goals; the campaign had seemed to slow down there for a while.
That's very cool!
And it's something people could be pointed to when they say there's no money in Linux gaming.
And it's something people could be pointed to when they say there's no money in Linux gaming.
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Quoting: ShmerlQuoting: PublicNuisanceI am really interested in this game, waiting to hear back from the devs if there will be a DRM free option.
From the campaign FAQ:
QuoteWe plan on selling the game via online platforms such as Steam and GoG, as well as the Apple App Store for Mac. Backers of our Kickstarters may have access to direct download.
Thank you. I missed that. The developers got back to me as well. Tried the demo and enjoyed it. They have my pledge.
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Quoting: mulletdeathNice to see it might reach some of its cooler stretch goals; the campaign had seemed to slow down there for a while.Yeah. They already hit the animator goal, which is nice. Too bad the Bonus Dreamworlds goal is out of reach. The rest of them are less interesting to me, but I can imagine some of you would shit your pants for VR, while others could use the localization. But what really tickles me pink is seeing consoles as the last, impossible stretch goals. :)
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Quoting: GuestWell, I just went ahead and backed the game.
I just backed also... And left a comment on the KS page that I backed b/c of Linux support and learned of it thanks to GoL.com..
3 Likes, Who?
Hey guys, I'm the guy quoted in Liam's post.
Didn't realize he was giving an update here (thanks!) but saw many comments today saying GoL brought them back, and decided to say hi.
Kickstarter makes use of some very neat analytical software. As of writing this, PCGamer has accounted for 12 backers and 0.52% of our support, and IGN has accunted for about the same. GoL generated 25 pledges for us, and the r/Linux_Gaming subreddit which I'm sure many of you are familiar with has brought in tons of traffic.
It goes much further than backer-generation though, you folks have given us really positive feedback and messages of support on GoL, Reddit, IRC, and even our Kickstarter page. It's been really helpful and motivating to us as creators to see people enthusiastic and supportive of the work we're trying to do bringing this to the Linux platform. As I've said in the past, I want to use this as an excuse to show developers they have no excuse not to build for Linux.
Didn't realize he was giving an update here (thanks!) but saw many comments today saying GoL brought them back, and decided to say hi.
Kickstarter makes use of some very neat analytical software. As of writing this, PCGamer has accounted for 12 backers and 0.52% of our support, and IGN has accunted for about the same. GoL generated 25 pledges for us, and the r/Linux_Gaming subreddit which I'm sure many of you are familiar with has brought in tons of traffic.
It goes much further than backer-generation though, you folks have given us really positive feedback and messages of support on GoL, Reddit, IRC, and even our Kickstarter page. It's been really helpful and motivating to us as creators to see people enthusiastic and supportive of the work we're trying to do bringing this to the Linux platform. As I've said in the past, I want to use this as an excuse to show developers they have no excuse not to build for Linux.
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Great work GoL!
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congrats, nice to see recognition for GOL community.
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I'll try to have a look later, quite busy lately and I'm one of those sceptical of crowdfunding/preordering as I've been burnt in the past. Once bit twice shy and all that. But the screenshot intrigues me so I'll at least see what it's about once I have the time and mood for it.
Thanks for running GamingOnLinux, I think it's a rather decent community and I get to see if there's anything new that catches my interest, such as this article.
Thanks for running GamingOnLinux, I think it's a rather decent community and I get to see if there's anything new that catches my interest, such as this article.
I completely missed that one. Gonna kickstart when I get home... love puzzle like adventures, mysth was a bit too dark for my taste though.
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