As you might have noticed, the last Friday Livestream was handled by Liam because I was doing secrety secret things and I will be doing more of the same on next Friday. So, I bring you an unexpected Monday Roguelikely Livestream!
Livestream here:
Why "Roguelikely Livestream" you ask? Because I think I'm more clever than I actually am and we will be playing a massive amount of 2 (two) roguelike(-like) games, FTL: Faster Than Light and Caves of Qud, which I got into during last week. I will naturally also play some more Project Brutality, which isn't exactly a roguelike(-like) but it's tough as nails so I will count it anyway.
Like I mentioned, this week's Friday Livestream will also be handled by Liam, but I will retake the spotlight next week, so don't you worry!
Livestream here:
Why "Roguelikely Livestream" you ask? Because I think I'm more clever than I actually am and we will be playing a massive amount of 2 (two) roguelike(-like) games, FTL: Faster Than Light and Caves of Qud, which I got into during last week. I will naturally also play some more Project Brutality, which isn't exactly a roguelike(-like) but it's tough as nails so I will count it anyway.
Like I mentioned, this week's Friday Livestream will also be handled by Liam, but I will retake the spotlight next week, so don't you worry!
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
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