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It’s been a bit of a ride, but we now have it confirmed for sure that Civilization VI [Steam] is coming to Linux, and the release isn’t far off. We are able to confirm this with permission before the official announcement from Aspyr Media that is due later today.

Note: I will just update this post when Aspyr do their official announcement.

I cannot confirm to you the actual release date, but I can confirm if everything goes as planned that you won’t be kept waiting much longer.

Aspyr Media ported the game to Mac not too long after the Windows release, but Linux gamers had been left waiting as Aspyr stated they were still checking the "feasibility" of a port to get it up to scratch. I've seen a lot of people claim Aspyr had "abandoned" us and other interesting things, but clearly not! I did previously state it was clear that Linux was firmly in their minds, as they were repeatedly mentioning the Linux version in tweets.

I will be speaking with Aspyr Media who have agreed to answer a few of my questions, but that will be saved for another time. If you have any questions burning in your mind, feel free to let me know in the comments and I might be able to include them.

This is really fantastic news. Not only are Aspyr Media back in the game for Linux & SteamOS, but we get another insanely popular title.

Finally, as a bit of fun, try to guess what this image from Aspyr Media provided to me means (I already know):
Click to make it bigger. They seem a little familiar...

If 2017 could continue on like this, that would be grand.

Update: Aspyr have now announced it on their official blog:
Quote“This is by far the most requested game we get asked for by the Linux community,” said Elizabeth Howard, Aspyr’s Vice President of Publishing. “Besides daily inquiries asking for Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI, we’ve also received 12 dozen warm chocolate chip cookies as well as squishy Linux penguins toys for the entire office. To say that we are excited to bring Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI to Linux is an understatement.”

Update 2: It is now also showing on SteamDB for those interested. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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corq Jan 23, 2017
Quoting: slaapliedjeI finally gave in to get Total Warhammer while it was on sale, but I think we all need to start making a stand and not give into this stupid DLC crap.

I kinda feel like I made that mistake with Company Of Heroes 2 and while the core game is awesome, as a newb to it I bought one of the British add-ons only to find out it was a very minimal, a number of components and scenarios (I think) are separate for purchase. Mostly my ignorance, but I just won't trust myself to make those purchases again. I got pretty frustrated and haven't played the game since, that aspect was such a turn off.

With Civ 5 I find myself playing the mods almost exclusively. I haven't gotten in to playing scenarios yet but that will be next, as long as Firaxis doesn't move to the model I've seen with company of heroes.
slaapliedje Jan 23, 2017
At least with Civ5, there is an editor and a large community of modders. I agree with company of heroes. Granted I also stopped playing that because it is just a straight RTS vs something like commandos, which I think is the better game. Then again, RTS games aren't really my thing.
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