If you still haven't picked up Shadow of Mordor [Steam] now is a damn good time to try it out. It's 80% off and actually completely free to try for a few days.
An incredible experience from start to finish, I completed it and really wished there was more! The Nemesis system really makes things interesting with the Uruk leaders gaining power each time they defeat you. I think it's probably one of the most fun enemy mechanics in any game and really helps you stay interested, it also makes the battles constantly tense.
I'm hoping sales of it have been good enough for Feral Interactive to port the new Shadow of War that's due out this year, as it looks amazing.
An incredible experience from start to finish, I completed it and really wished there was more! The Nemesis system really makes things interesting with the Uruk leaders gaining power each time they defeat you. I think it's probably one of the most fun enemy mechanics in any game and really helps you stay interested, it also makes the battles constantly tense.
I'm hoping sales of it have been good enough for Feral Interactive to port the new Shadow of War that's due out this year, as it looks amazing.
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
I might need to buy this for my step-daughter since I've already beaten it. It was good, and $4 is dirt cheap for a nice game like this.
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now that's something.
Quoting: miro![](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/830202212609940194/9FFD0355A8289B8EE24ED8B1B2225724A3B5E2F8/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|1024:576&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C1024%3A576&background-color=black)
Now that is something I've seen for the fist time, it is unexpected and very much appreciated ^_^
no joystick dead-zone overrides or the (X) in the middle, but a real steam controller setup, nice. if someone knows: did feral do this or the game devs?
Where’s this screen from? Did SoM added full true support for Steam Controller?
In the options where you configure your controller. I have steamOS + steam controller and this is what showed up for me.
However, I think it is just an image replacement for generic controllers, since one can not see (or configure) the buttons under the controller (the ones to the battery shaft).
However, I think it is just an image replacement for generic controllers, since one can not see (or configure) the buttons under the controller (the ones to the battery shaft).
You’re right. I just checked, and got the same image instead of a X360 one, but the game still uses X360-like settings of the controller.
the camera movement is joystick-like, which maybe not that ideal, but of course one can configure that in the controller settings to whatever is desired and it does work pretty well.
at least it is nice to see a steam controller and not that everywhere present xbox controllers. I also have one, but I don't like to play via cable, it misses a gyro sensor, but at least it has rumble feedback. something I truly miss with the steam controller. the rumble emulation does not work at all for me, although my controller firmware should support it according to valve.
at least it is nice to see a steam controller and not that everywhere present xbox controllers. I also have one, but I don't like to play via cable, it misses a gyro sensor, but at least it has rumble feedback. something I truly miss with the steam controller. the rumble emulation does not work at all for me, although my controller firmware should support it according to valve.
Free to play for few days... Good, because you need few days just to download it.
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Quoting: Power-Metal-GamesFree to play for few days... Good, because you need few days just to download it.It really depends on the speed of your connection, for me it only took a couple of hours to download.
I bought it on Steam under Ubuntu while Summer Sale'17.
Hope it counts.
Hope it counts.
Think I'm going to give this one a miss. It (mostly) runs on my hardware, although with an occasional slowdown, but I lose pretty much all the story because all the cutscenes choke. They're completely unwatchable slideshows.
Plus there's this weird thing where it decides sometimes to pay attention to mouse input instead of controller, and the movement flips out until I love the mouse around a bit.
Plus there's this weird thing where it decides sometimes to pay attention to mouse input instead of controller, and the movement flips out until I love the mouse around a bit.
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