Feral Interactive are up to their usual funny business with a brand new Linux port teaser up on their radar.
This is now the second unannounced Linux game they're teasing (here's the other), so I can't wait to see what they have cooked up for us. The last teaser was put up a good few months ago now, so hopefully at least one of them will release soon. They're both in the outermost part of the radar, so they could still be a while away. We don't really know what "Quite Soon" actually means, it could end up being tomorrow, a week or more.
Anyway…here's the latest teaser from their port radar:
"It's just a shot away"
Begin the guessing games! What do you think this be? Exciting! I'm sure these won't be the only titles this year too, let's see if they can truly surprise us.
Rolling Stones ...
Very unlikely but a game that I'd love to see on Linux is
Rock of Ages
That is probably one you could get the former one man linux developer since he now has his pateron fund to port any game the community wants.
Also, a long, long shot but.. The Hellacopters from Sweden and Turbonegro from Norway have both covered Gimme shelter. Maybe something relating to Scandinavia? Vikings? By gods it must be God of War 2018! First time on PC, and exclusively for Linux! ;)
Last edited by skry on 13 Feb 2018 at 3:23 pm UTC
Feral ported Shadow of Mordor and now struck a deal to also bring the next game to Mac and Linux.
In the gimme shelter song it is WAR which is 'just a shot away', so at first I thought it might be another total war game. But then what about the Garibaldi biscuit? Giuseppe Garibaldi (after whom the biscuit is named) is considered one of the best Generals of modern times. As I recall correctly, shadow of war is all about creating/controlling a large army of orcs with your character and assault fortresses etc. to dominate mordor. So essentially, you're playing a general, just as Garibaldi was.
I wish Feral would stop these teases and instead would plainly announce what games they've acquired the rights to port. The sooner, the better. In fact, if possible *before* the windows release date. This will make sure that linux gamers who want to play a particular game can hold off on the purchase until the game is released on linux. I have 4-5 games that I had no inkling would ever get a linux port and bought them on windows. Had I known, I would have waited and given Feral my money.
Feral, if you're reading this, please reconsider your PR strategy.
We announce titles as early as feasibly possible. Until it's time to announce them, we can have Feral Radar clues or we can have good old-fashioned tumbleweeds.
Genuinely curious is the lack of a reveal because its baked into the contract with the original publisher/dev or it is you dont want to annouce it in case the problems with porting are so severe you cant overcome them. The radar thing is not to everyone tastes but i guess its better to know that you guys are actively working to get linux contracts is nothing but good news for linux gamers.
Last edited by Whitewolfe80 on 1 Mar 2018 at 11:13 am UTC
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