Seems Humble have some pretty good deals going for Linux gamers right now, so let's take a little look.
First up, the current Humble Monthly has added the rather good Owlboy as an extra early unlock, this is in addition to Civilization VI + the Vikings scenario pack and the Australia civilization and scenario pack. For $12, that you can cancel any time and also gain access to the Humble Trove collection of DRM free games, that's actually now a very good deal.
Also, you can grab the Amnesia Collection completely free from the Humble Store which includes Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Be warned though, it does not come with an extra set of pants. You will need to get them yourself…
Have we missed a good deal lately? Feel free to share your vast knowledge in the comments.
As always, you can check our Sales Page for some good deals.
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Here's a Steam gift link for Owlboy...
Thank you very much! ^_^
You're Welcome. :DHere's a Steam gift link for Owlboy...
Thank you very much! ^_^
That is a pretty awesome deal! :)
Was wondering if there is some place here on the site where we could post humble gift links for games we may have extra copies of?
There's for that. You can set your giveaways to be only available for GOL Steam group members. Also there's to exchange your doubles for games you don't have but TBH Liam could build a better website. :D
Last edited by cprn on 27 Jan 2018 at 4:56 pm UTC
Above said, I'll be pretty mad at myself if one of the unrevealed titles is Hollow Knight.
Last edited by cprn on 31 Jan 2018 at 2:19 am UTC
Also, I think the cancel page is a tad too well hidden in the account settings page, here is the [direct link]( for reference (better to cancel immediately than forget and pay for a bundle not that interesting)
[...] nice €/$ rate these days… [...]
Yeah, it's nice... until you've paid with card for 6 months subscription and want a refund because, oh I don't know, let's say you expected to be debited monthly. Then it turns out the spread on your currency is worth one month straight. Just a comment because bad experience, not arguing.
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