Paradox has announced that Cities: Skylines [Steam], which was a day-1 release for Linux, has sold over five million copies.
Not only that, but it's actually going to be three years since release on Saturday! Honestly, it doesn't feel that long at all. I still remember doing a preview livestream before release on our Twitch channel. I'm still amazed Linux has games like this and with Surviving Mars due soon, I couldn't be happier.
It still has a rather active player-base too, with over seven thousand people currently in-game on Steam. Not only that, but the Steam Workshop is flourishing with many thousands of items like maps, buildings, mods and more.
To celebrate, Cities: Skylines is going to get a free minor update that will include a new unique Rocket City building called Xchirp Launcher, an astronaut Chirper, and a new free radio station - Official Mars Radio which will have a bunch of space-themed electro songs. The update will be out tomorrow, for those interested in that.
Side-note: I would be doing a preview livestream of Surviving Mars too, but the Linux review build has issues that will apparently be fixed in the release build that I reported. Hopefully I will have a livestream on the day of release!
Quoting: madchaotikanD'accord.Ermm.. I bought it on last Steam end year sales at RM 14. Minus €30 and plus €2.91 (as on 8th Mar 2018). :S:
75,000 Copies x 30€ = 2,225,000€
Quoting: KimyrielleThere is a mod that unlocks everything at game start. Just get that! That being said...I don't know how it's done in good ol' Europe, but in 'murica people really don't put subways into rural towns. :D
About the gaming thing...I guess the slower pace and the lack of have-to-prove-how-awesome-you-are boss fights that "gamers" seem to love so much is what makes C:S appealing to some of us in the first place. It is really just about taking a bit of real estate and build something nice on it. You Some consider that fun, too! ;)
In Europe, a lot of small villages have train connection and buses are almost everywhere. The fact that I need mod to allow something is weird in the first place. But even then, C:S doesn't have enough tools to specialize cities and make them distinct or interesting.
And no, I wasn't speaking about "competitive games", fact that you even mention that means that you don't know my and you don't know what I am talking about. Games like Caesar and Pharaoh or Industry Giant and so on, had always specific conditions and specific scenario with win condition. Games like SimCity didn't exactly, but even then, they had enough challenges to overcome and enough tools to make the scenarios varied (in 3000/4000, you could specialize your city to be a worktown, livingtown, commerce town or farm town easily, in C:S, there are very limited way how to progress and you always end up setting up office buildings if you want to educate your population, there are no high-tech industry, no high-tech farms and so on). And yes, its like lego, with limited set of bricks, but lego is not game, lego is toy.
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