Trailblazers, the rather unique co-op racer that has you paint the track is now officially available with same-day Linux support.
Disclosure: Key provided by the publisher.
They have a new launch trailer as well, check it out:

Direct Link
One thing I did notice, was that the initial resolution seems off and rather blurry. Re-doing it to the correct resolution in the options seems to solve it, but it reverts each time you load it requiring you to do it every time. A nuisance, but not a huge problem since it's solvable.
On top of that, I was unable to turn on cross-platform multiplayer from the game menu, as it always seems to revert to disabled. When I went to do an online race, it then asked me if I wanted to enable it and then it suddenly stayed on.
A more pressing issue, is that the painting mechanic seems a little, well—broken. I'm not sure if this is specific to the Linux build or not, but I've had it confirmed thanks to GOL fan "Doktor Mandrake" who did some testing with me. You're supposed to hold A to paint, but it appears the vehicles do it automatically without needing to press any button, so you don't use up any energy doing so. Pressing A as it tells you to, changes nothing but the camera angle and reduce your "trail energy" bar. Essentially, all vehicles seem to be cheating right now.
I've reported all issues to the publisher.
I will have more in-depth thoughts up at a later date, as the publisher only sent us a key today. From the races we did, it certainly feels like Wipeout mixed up with Splatoon and it feels pretty awesome. It seems like a game I would love, but I class it as unplayable due to the painting bug. If they solve the issues mentioned above, it would be a solid recommendation.
Find it on: Humble Store, GOG, Steam.
I mean it's great to have a new racing game on GOG with day one Linux support. We need more of that.
Like I was saying in the other news... It's a real surprise for me that they released it GOG.
So let me know when It's fixed and I will buy it! ^_^
Edit: Liam, have you tried the splitscreen mode?
Last edited by Cyril on 8 May 2018 at 1:36 pm UTC
Hmm ok so let's solve these issues and then I'm in!
I mean it's great to have a new racing game on GOG with day one Linux support. We need more of that.
Like I was saying in the other news... It's a real surprise for me that they released it GOG.
So let me know when It's fixed and I will buy it! ^_^
Edit: Liam, have you tried the splitscreen mode?
Interesting, didn't realize they had it on GOG as well
Do you know if online MP works for the linux build on GOG?
No sorry, I don't know. I just saw the news. ^_^
But good question, I hope so!
Hmm ok so let's solve these issues and then I'm in!
I mean it's great to have a new racing game on GOG with day one Linux support. We need more of that.
Like I was saying in the other news... It's a real surprise for me that they released it GOG.
So let me know when It's fixed and I will buy it! ^_^
Edit: Liam, have you tried the splitscreen mode?
Interesting, didn't realize they had it on GOG as well
Do you know if online MP works for the linux build on GOG?
No sorry, I don't know. I just saw the news. ^_^
But good question, I hope so!
We have this info on the gamecard:
Cross-platform play links PC/Mac/Linux players to either PlayStation®4 or Xbox One/Nintendo Switch players - see in-game options for details.
If the multiplayer portion of the game was cut out of the Linux version then we would make sure to make a note of it on the game's page ;)
It's still on my wishlist!
Are all issues now resolved? Anyone know about the GOG version?
It's still on my wishlist!
I refunded the Steam version and went with GOG version, the Steam version had a patch to resolve other issues like settings not saving and loosing progress, but afaik the paint-bug still remains.. The GOG version has yet to receive any patch
I did some more testing over the weekend, as far as the painting-mechanic bug goes it seems to only be a bug on the latest Nvidia drivers (396.24)
Tested on 384.130 drivers though and the bug does not seem to be effected on that driver version.
All in all, probably best to wait a little bit longer :) either that or play the game on the 384.130 drivers (afaik the bug doesn't exist on AMD)
Thanks for your feedback. Don't hesitate to ping me when an update will be available!
And yeah I'm on the 396.24 right now...
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