Update: Seems this is the Linux port Ryan "Icculus" Gordon was hinting at for a while on his Patreon, as he simply said "yep!" in reply to me asking if this was the one.
Update #2: It's now out! See this post for more info from Ryan and this post for the official announcement. You likely need the "public_beta" branch on Steam.
Original article
This is certainly fun news, since Turok is a game I always wanted to play but never got a chance. It seems it's coming to Linux!
Popping up on SteamDB today was this, showing some reasonably good supporting evidence for a Linux build. It specifically mentions "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - Linux + Steam OS x64". As we all know, some games pop up on SteamDB and end up not coming, but it's usually a good sign.
This isn't the original version, but an enhanced version from Nightdive Studios.
Turok is back and no dinosaur is safe! When it was first released in 1997, Turok introduced gamers to a world teeming with cunning enemies, traps, puzzles and deadly weapons all within a vast 3D environment ready to explore. Now the classic game has been restored and enhanced with a new visual engine and exciting new features to sink your teeth into!
- Support for high resolutions, and widescreen
- Improved gameplay and level design
- OpenGL for video backend to provide portability and support for vertical sync
- Dynamic lighting, bloom, FXAA, enhanced water effects, lights shafts and more
- Ability to freely rebind all keyboard, mouse, and gamepad inputs
- Steam Achievements
It's currently on Steam and GOG, so hopefully both will see a Linux build. I've messaged Nightdive to see what's happening.
Looks like Gordon might gave a thing for older classic titles, maybe titles that he always wanted to port back then?
No editor/mod loader (and so no workshop support), but standalone mods work. Some of us provide standalone download links on our workshop pages, or you can check [turokforums.com](https://www.turokforums.com/index.php) or [turoksanctum.com](https://turoksanctum.com/).
Looks like Gordon might gave a thing for older classic titles, maybe titles that he always wanted to port back then?
It's not the first time he is working with Nihgtdive too. He helped them with Noctropolis for Linux.
Last edited by Shmerl on 25 May 2018 at 1:27 am UTC
Last edited by GustyGhost on 24 May 2018 at 9:15 pm UTC
Is there a good way to automate notifications when Linxu port releases on GOG?
Follow [this thread](https://www.gog.com/forum/general/the_unannounced_addition_of_linux_and_macos_versions_thread).
You can also check [community GOG DB](https://www.gogdb.org/product/1444038183#changelog).
You can write your own notification script, by periodically reading [this](https://www.gogdb.org/gogdata/turok).
Last edited by Shmerl on 24 May 2018 at 9:20 pm UTC
It is always strange to realize that the games I played when I was younger actually had a "story".
Last edited by MayeulC on 24 May 2018 at 10:26 pm UTC
After more than 1 years :D
Nice, I liked Turok: Evolution on Xbox back in the day. But I am a bit lost with the timeline... Or the series. I would like to play Evolution again, but did it see a PC release as well?Evolution comes first chronologically, followed by 1, 2, and 3. 1 and Evolution both star Tal'Set as Turok. 2 stars Joshua Fireseed, several generations later. 3 is a direct followup, and centers on Joshua's siblings, Joseph and Danielle.
It is always strange to realize that the games I played when I was younger actually had a "story".
There was a PC version of Evolution, but I think it was only released in Europe. The remasters are built on a whole new engine, though, so I'm not sure existing PC versions are really a requirement for consideration. I'm hoping we get the whole series eventually. :)


Last edited by ElectricPrism on 25 May 2018 at 3:48 am UTC
I loved this game back in the day but never managed to finish it - well, now's the perfect time! :D
Yoohooo :)
Looks like Gordon might gave a thing for older classic titles, maybe titles that he always wanted to port back then?
Yeah check his twitter out now he has his pateron goal he has literally said suggest a game to him and if the publisher is down he will port it or at least help for free as he will draw his wages from pateron.
Last edited by Whitewolfe80 on 25 May 2018 at 2:34 pm UTC
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