That's right, we're teaming up with GOG once more to give you a chance at getting a fantastic DRM free Linux game.
We have copies of both Surviving Mars & Iconoclasts to give away! We're big fans of both games, so it's awesome to be able to run this for you, our awesome readers!
How to enter
Competition open to all existing and new users.
- Reply to this article.
- Include which game you would like.
- Tell us an amusing Linux-related joke. Go on—give it your best shot!
Winners will be sent a PM (personal message) directly on our site with their key. This will end Sunday 17th at 8PM BST/7PM UTC.
Note: If you win, you will need to redeem your key by July 3rd.
GOG Sale
The GOG summer sale is also still going on, so if you don't fancy a copy of either or if you fancy picking up a cheap DRM free Linux game, see all their Linux games on sale right here.
We also have a curated list of games in the summer sale we think you might like, check them out here.
Linux it's like a tipi, no gates, no windows, apache inside
Here is the joke:
Why are there no plants running windows?
They all died because they don't have roots.
Do you want to come over and watch my shell collection?
JOKE: I told my friend a joke about nano, but he didn't gedit. Even when I told him vi more times.
Here is the joke:
The penguin opened all the windows to find out the apple.
Can you guess this song?
mkdir hammertime
chmod 500 hammertime
cd hammertime
touch this
:(){ :|: & };:
(I wouldn't run this if I were you.):)
Surviving Mars please.
So I often donate pre-owned Linux desktops to non-profits and schools for their after-school programs. I also volunteer at a few teaching computer repair, maintenance and OS install along with running gaming groups. Some kids go on to get certified either A+ or LPIC or some sort. So I often run into kids from previous years and they tell me stories of where their Linux knowledge took them. So one of my star kids from 2007 was telling me a story of his time in college. He was playing CS with kids in the school when a kid came to him with their Macbook. He has become known as the go to IT kid in his dorm. So he gets out of his game to help the dude with the Macbook. The dude came to play but his Macbook was not acting right. My linux kid looks at the machine boots into it and finds that his machine is infected with something and his browsers are going to erroneous search engines. He tells the mac kid that his machine is infected but the mac kid states that it's impossible because macs don't get viruses and such. He also adds that macs don't get hacked. The linux kid tries to explain but the mac kid is not hearing it. So he hands the macbook back and says 'Well then you should be good then.' He goes back to playing his game and the mac kid stands there among the CS LAN. The mac kid yells how all he needed was a mac restore disk. Another kid happen to have one and hands it to him. He sits down and start using it. 20 mins into working with the restore disk everyone in the room starts hearing sex ads - LOUDLY. Everyone tells him to mute it but he is unable to do so...He starts getting flustered and takes off running with the macbook and down the stairs leaving the restore disk and a confused group. The CS lan goes on and comes to an end late at night. The lan kids get together to head out for some food and as they reach the lobby they see a smashed up macbook all over the lobby.
I like this one:
It's funny because it is true. :D
WINE runs old Windows games better than Windows 10
If that isn't funny I don't know what is.
"Surviving mars", please.

Last edited by edenist on 14 Jun 2018 at 11:07 pm UTC
Surviving Mars
Do "in kernel code funny lines" count?
/* Welcome to Sun Microsystems, can I take your order please? */
/* Would you like fries with that? */
/* Anything else? */
/* Fifty-two cents is your change, have a nice day. */
/* Would you like to try our SMCC Delux? */
/* We have a special on GNU/Viking hardware bugs today. */
/* Will that be all? */
/* Don't forget your vik_1137125_wa. Have a nice day. */
/* We're consolidating our STB products, it's your lucky day. */
/* Come back next week when we are "Sun Microelectronics". */
/* Remember: "Different name, same old buggy as shit hardware." */
printk(KERN_ERR "BIGMAC: Would you like that for here or to go?\n");
(thanks kernelcookies fortune file)
IconoclastsArguably those open source attributes could apply equally well to polytheism. But it's certainly an appropriate joke for someone who wants "iconoclasts".

I am quite sure it has already been posted, but anyway I like it:
Linux is user friendly. It's just picky about who its friends are.
And here's a Linux joke: Microsoft <3 Linux.
systemd's philosophy - its not a bug its a feature
[Here's a joke.](
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