One of the developers from Bohemia Interactive who's active in our community is asking to see how much interest there is in the Linux port of Arma 3 [Steam Page]. Currently, the Linux (and Mac) ports of Arma 3 from Virtual Programming are hidden from the Steam store page, because Bohemia Interactive class them as experimental. You can install it from Steam like any other game, it's just not advertised.
The developer, who goes by the nickname Dwarden, has asked me to make it clear that this is not an official poll. They're simple trying to find out just how much community interest there is.
On their Discord, they've pinned a message in the "linux_mac_branch" channel that reads:
How many users @here use Linux / Mac ports or may get interested to use ?
(especially if the delay time of port shortens after the Windows release ? )
{you can use reaction to add to the counter(s)}
{just to be clear this unofficial poll is for insight}
You can join their Discord using this link, to let them know your thoughts and add to the "reaction counter" if it's important to you. Once you're in their discord, if you have trouble finding the message here's a direct link (only works if you've joined).
Naturally, commenting here as well will also help so they can see outside interest and for those of you who don't like Discord you can also make yourselves known.
Personally, I quite enjoyed the last time I jumped in with a bunch of members from the community, it performed reasonably well and we all had a really great time. It's a pretty fascinating game, one I wouldn't experience without a Linux port so I really do hope they keep pushing forwards to eventually have it properly advertised on Steam.
Of course, not having it actually advertised won't really help since people won't know unless they're told about it. There's also nothing else like it on Linux, so I feel it's quite important.
Earlier versions worked alright though, but the foliage texture flickering with mesa has always annoyed me and takes most of the fun out of it.
Yep, this bug is still there (version 1.82)
[Also Discord is a terrible thing to impose on anyone.](
If the game supports Vulkan, I will buy it immediately. Maybe this would allow them to fix the today's issues with the game.
Probably it won't since VP has no experience with Vulkan based on their last activities.
Any Linux games ported too late, well, is too late, but it's even more true for multiplayer games.
Been waiting for a long time for this game.
Do not hésitate to build a linux version.
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