Godot Engine [Official Site], the incredibly impressive open source game engine is pushing ahead towards the massive 3.1 update with the first alpha.
There's a ridiculous amount of improvements coming, some of which we've highlighted in the past. As a brief overview, here's a few random things that's coming that I thought were really interesting:
- OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer.
- Visual shader editor.
- 3D soft body physics.
- 3D ragdoll system.
- 2D meshes and skeletal deformation.
- Improved animation editor.
- Improved autocompletion.
And absolutely loads more, you can find a draft changelog here which shows just how much is going into this release. It's incredibly impressive not only in scope but the pace of development too which is rivalling some of the bigger game engines. See their news post here for more info on the 3.1 alpha release.
If you're working with Godot Engine and what you're doing will support Linux, feel free to show it off in the comments.
Would be interesting to hear something about their Vulkan progress :-)It's not being worked on officially yet as it's not on the roadmap for 3.1.
Some contributors have started initial work on setting up the necessary context to have a Vulkan renderer and show a window, but that's about it. The actual work on the Vulkan renderer will start once 3.1 is published.
It is still early in development but I thought I'd share anyways.
Here are some Screenshots of it running in the current stable Godot V3.0.6:

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