The Universim from developer Crytivo just entered Early Access today and as promised it does include the Linux build. It's been quite a long road to get here, with the Kickstarter being succesful all the way back in 2014 with nearly $400K.
Note: Copy personally purchased a long time ago from their own store.
Brief launch issues aside, with the game not actually being available when it was supposed to today they managed to get that quickly sorted so now more people can dive in and take a look.

Direct Link
The Universim is "a new breed of God Game" and while it does have elements of that, with you having special powers like the ability to spawn a tornado, change the season and so on it also feels a bit like a city builder. Like other god games, you don't have direct control over your nuggets (people) but you will be directing them to build specific things and direct their development with research.
For those who like a bit of hand-holding, you might want to wait as it pretty much dumps you on the planet as soon as the intro is done. As a quick tip to help prevent some frustration, to actually save the game you need to build the Archive in-game building and it needs to have someone assigned to it.
I will have more thoughts up when it's further along in developement and I will continue to check on it with each new update. It's promising and I like where they're going with it so far. They have a lot of grand plans for it, I just hope they don't keep re-doing things as it's already been in development for a long time overall. If you want to read more about their future plans, check this post.
Note: If the Linux version crashes during loading for you, it's missing the "" file. If you copy it from another game into the same folder as the executable (the installed folder) it will work. I have reported this to the developer already and they said they will fix "asap".
I also seem to have to kill the game sometimes when I leave, as it doesn't always stop the process fully.
Find it on Humble Store and Steam. Also available directly from their official site. Weirdly, it's also on GOG and their homepage banner mentions Linux, but the store page for it does not. I've reached out to GOG to clear it up either way.
That didn't make sense before platform-specific wishlisting was announced, and in the announcement it was made very clear that you should set the store filter accordingly.Why would anyone gaming exclusively on Linux have collected a large wishlist of non-Linux games and had the filter set to show Windows games as well?
Maybe to show the developer there is a demand for a Linux port?
Well, then it is "Unspecified Platform" for me. I'm playing games on Linux and Windows, and I'm not switching around in the Store settings and search the game in the store everytime just to show there is demand for Linux.
It's nice that you'd like to do this if it was a bit more convenient for you, but I still don't see the big problem here. If you buy games on Steam for both Windows and Linux, there's no reason for a developer to assume a platform preference for any single wishlist item. And having a separate platform setting for the wishlist would seem a bit redundant. You'll just have to do your advocacy some other way.That didn't make sense before platform-specific wishlisting was announced, and in the announcement it was made very clear that you should set the store filter accordingly.Why would anyone gaming exclusively on Linux have collected a large wishlist of non-Linux games and had the filter set to show Windows games as well?
Maybe to show the developer there is a demand for a Linux port?
Well, then it is "Unspecified Platform" for me. I'm playing games on Linux and Windows, and I'm not switching around in the Store settings and search the game in the store everytime just to show there is demand for Linux.
EDIT: Let's not take this further off topic, okay? I think this sort of discussion belongs on the forum.
Last edited by tuubi on 31 Aug 2018 at 8:16 am UTC
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