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Valve are working fast to improve the Steam client this year, with another beta now available including an option that was highly requested.

Firstly, Steam Input gained support for the HORI Battle Pad and HORI Wireless Switch Pad. Additionally, Big Picture mode had two bugs fixed. The usual stuff there and nothing major, that is until you get to the Linux section of the beta changelog.

Users have been asking Valve pretty much since Steam Play arrived, to add a method to force a native game to use Steam Play instead. So now, if you've opted into the Steam beta client you will see this on the properties of a game (the bottom option):

Why is that so interesting and important? Well, honestly, some Linux ports get left behind for months and years and some really just aren't good. Additionally, some Linux games have multiplayer that's not cross-platform, this could also help with that. Not to downplay the effort a lot of developers put in, it's just how it is. The ability for users to control between the version from the developer and running it through Steam Play is a nice to have option.

Linux changes:

  • Added the ability to force-enable Steam Play in per-title properties, including for native games
  • Fixed incorrect scroll offset in the in-game overlay
  • Reworked global Steam Play enable settings to only override the Proton version used by unsupported games
  • Fixed a bug where the global Steam Play enable setting wouldn't prompt for a Steam client restart

See the announcement here.

While not noted, the Steam client now actually shows what version of Proton is used for each title. Here's Into the Breach for example:

I would have played more but fullscreen is broken for me and it's a whitelisted title…

One of the next big stages for Steam Play, will be actually showing it for whitelisted titles on store pages. I'm still very curious to see how Valve will be handling that. Valve might also want to update the Steam support page too, it's rather outdated.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Beta, Steam, Valve
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly checked on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly. You can also follow my personal adventures on Bluesky.
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legluondunet 18 Jan 2019
For my point of view it doesn't matter if game is native, Winised, Protonised. And soon we could play cloud gaming too, playing game without to install it whatever the platform. The only thing matter: play game you want without to tweak it during hours.

Last edited by legluondunet on 18 Jan 2019 at 9:46 pm UTC
somebody1121 18 Jan 2019
I also tried Deus Ex MKD but doesn't start.

Could it be trying to start in dx12 mode?

I set to be windows 7 with winetricks so i don't think it's the case. Maybe a bug with dxvk, wine or radv...
somebody1121 18 Jan 2019
I tried tomb raider 2013 and it's much faster than native. In the mountain village a get now 60 fps with vsync enable, on native it's 22-24 fps because of one core with 100% utilization. I also tried Deus Ex MKD but doesn't start.

BAH you beat me to it! Currently still downloading the Windows version myself to compare (backed up the native). The mountain village/shanty town area seems to be massively CPU bound. To the point that increasing my CPU from 3.8GHz to 3.85GHz gained me an extra 3-6 frames in that area keeping just above 30. I've tested the same system with a R9 285, R9 390 and now a RX 580 and all perform identical in that particular area. Clearly hitting some translation bottle neck that requires raw CPU performance to get over the hump which is why my friends i7 6700K greatly outperforms my Ryzen in that specific use case. In the past I ended up playing the game on an old laptop i7-3520K with an external R9 270X running the Windows which ran maxed settings at a solid 60fps. Not hateing on Feral here as it was one of their earliest ports and I think it used Openg GL 3.3 rather than 4 which probably made getting a good DX11 translation even harder. I really wish they would go back and apply some of there obviously improved techniques to the game. I'd happily pay them another few quid for an updated port. I wouldn't be surprised if that bottleneck at the shanty town was not even challenging for them now.

Anyway I'll report back to confirm if the Proton running version works out better.

The OpenGL version of tomb raider should be at least 4.3 since that's the version with compute shaders required for tressFX. I think that the most limiting factor is that is a 32 bit application, and maybe it's needed a optimization for ryzen on mesa...
Purple Library Guy 18 Jan 2019
By the way I don't want to be that guy, but you do realize that there is a fix for all gaming problems right? ... Windows!

All gaming problems solved in an instant, on top of that you get basicly all games out there (if we don't count console exclusives ofcourse).
Heh. Unfortunately it's also a cause for all non-gaming problems . . .
Purple Library Guy 18 Jan 2019
That mirv guy was told to get his eyes checked for not agreeing. I didn't see it as a joke and asked it to be dropped. It was not.

No, I'm being told my opinion is wrong, without being told why. I suspected a case of "because Valve", and planted a few words to check....and it seems that way in some cases.
But not others. There have been a couple replies of normality, some reasons I hadn't considered. Might I highlight them?

Do you not see the hypocrisy in that? I'm not going to say that others havent reacted poorly. I'm not gonna argue that others arent in the wrong too. But let me just play out the scenario for you.

mirv: why not use wine?
others: **reasons**
mir: why not use wine?
others: **reasons**
mir: why not use wine?
others: why are you being like this?? (plus some less than favorable responses)
mir: why are you saying im wrong?

Arent you pretty much saying that others opinions are wrong by ignoring their points? People have said plenty of times that it being built in to steam is easier for them and for many many people. I, like many others, hate touching wine. Good for you in that you mastered it. Your responses (or lack thereof) clearly aren't encouraging civil discussions.

Everyone (including myself), lets take a step back and try to learn and become better members of the community to try to mitigate further encounters like this.

Sorry, but I didn't see many giving actual reasons. Some gave "reasons" of something that was already possible, in my experience, which was why I asked: why be excited when it could already be done? TheDaftRick pointed out much I hadn't thought of, and liamdawe had a couple things too.
I've not mastered wine. Vanilla, latest release, and sometimes I try git. I would like to know why I'm ok with it (technically speaking), while others might not be - or maybe they're getting something extra from "Proton" that I'm not seeing. Which are the main reasons why I ask.
My suspicion is that people are simply playing different games. I haven't tried Wine very often because back when I did, I never seemed to get a game to just happen (except original Starcraft, which used to work fine), which meant I'd have to do configuration, and I'd look at the configuration options and think "I have no idea which of these are likely to be useful", try a few half at random, and give up. No doubt I could have figured something out with a bit of research, but I didn't have enough time or motivation to do so. But if you were trying a game that Just Worked, you'd never notice that sort of problem. If all my games had worked like Starcraft it would never have occurred to me that Wine had any hiccups.

At the same time, I haven't used Proton at all and I haven't used recent Wine at all (because I don't have enough time to play most of my Linux native titles) so I don't know whether either of them would Just Work for what I might want to do. Maybe now they'd both be equally great (or equally borked).

I do like the idea of my purchase being seen as a Linux one.
Purple Library Guy 18 Jan 2019
(*) It's a shame that the English language doesn't have a decent word for the German "Feierabend". "Feierabend" ("Feier" being celebration/party and "Abend" the evening time) has a connotation of finally, work is done and we can do what we want. (Probably the opposite of what we Germans are know for. :D )

Happy Hour?

Doesn't that have a heavy connotation of booze? :)

And your point is?
Purple Library Guy 18 Jan 2019
If Valve refund for a whitelisted game not working, or what they do if a game stops working, remains to be seen - especially if there's a native version that's not playable, or only barely functional by comparison. Too early to tell. But, indeed, something to consider beyond just technically running a game via wine.
Interesting point. The most basic case (you buy the Windows version of a whitelisted game to play on Proton and it fails to work) should be fairly straightforward: Since you have no or virtually no time played, you get a refund without explanation just like you would for a game that worked but you found the colour scheme stabbed your eyeballs. You could do it with a game you bought to play in Wine, too.

Things that stop working after you've had them a while would be trickier, though (as indeed they already are even without Proton). And there'd be wrangling over whether your setup matches specifications; it could get gnarly. Hopefully it won't come up too often.
WienerWuerstel 18 Jan 2019
I don't really feel like messing with a beta right now, can anyone tell me if Saints Row: the Third works on Steam Play? I tried on Wine before but it wouldn't start, apparently because of problems with the DRM. (I didn't feel like trying to crack it.)

Nope, I just tried it with Steam Play (Proton 3.16-6 and 3.7-8) and it didn't launch. I was able to pick the D3D version but after that it just refuses to launch.
MagicMyth 18 Jan 2019
The OpenGL version of tomb raider should be at least 4.3 since that's the version with compute shaders required for tressFX. I think that the most limiting factor is that is a 32 bit application, and maybe it's needed a optimization for ryzen on mesa...

Thanks for clarifying the OpenGL version. I think the issue is some slow translation layer as I saw similar performance on simily clocked Intel machines. I wonder if it does better on NVidia GPUs though and may have possibly used some NV extensions when available (as I don't think Mesa had 4.3 support back then only NVidia is officially supported).
KrumpetPirate 18 Jan 2019
Interesting. I wonder if forcing games like ARMA 3, which is perpetually behind the windows release, will work well.
Before long, everyone who opted for the "free" Windows 10 upgrade, are running OEM windows, and all those other devices, is going to be under the thumb of ("NOT A SUBSCRIPTION!" ... yet) Microsoft Managed Desktop.

Windows 10 (now the majority version worldwide) will soon be under the grip of the "Microsoft Managed Desktop" not-yet-a-subscription service. Unless they have a full-retail Windows product key, most enthusiast-level PC users are quickly going to migrate to Linux once the ransom notices (or slowed-down updates) start popping up on their Windows desktops. Steam Play makes it easy migrate, at will.

This is an important point. Just for clarification -- the 'free Windows 10 upgrade' that microsoft graciously(?!) handed out last year (or the year before?) to owners of full licenses of Win 7 or 8 did not give those people full retail product keys for Windows 10. Rather, they got a version of Windows 10 'registered under' their 'microsoft account'.

That certainly sounds like a more precarious state to be in, compared to having a product key for a full version that one would expect to be able to install on whatever device, whenever one pleases -- though it's not so clear right now, exactly what the disadvantage consists in.

The ability to install whenever, continue to get updates, etc., holds as long as the 'product' is under support. On the 'permanent product key' model as well, Microsoft simply shuts off the 'activation' services when support ends for a product, and there's no way of registering it. I have a windows xp virtual machine that I can't activate, and use 'legitimately', because of this. (*Perhaps* phone activation still works -- either automated, or via an actual representative -- I haven't bothered to try; because I know from past experience that they make you enter & then verify an annoyingly long code. In any case, without the ability to download any updates [past service packs included], registration is pretty pointless anyway.)

Though at the very least, one can continue using an already activated 'product' -- at one's own peril, without any security updates (and rapidly diminishing 3rd party support). On the 'not-yet-a-subscription-service' model, you can't be sure of that much either. So perhaps *that's* the danger awaiting 'free upgraders' to Windows 10. The risk of waking up to some kind of sugar-coated ransomware screen from Redmond.

I agree that the recent improvements to wine can provide people in that sort of predicament with a way out. I'm entirely sure, by the way, that people would be leaving Apple in droves if something similar to wine were available for cocoa/obj.C/swift apps -- keeping their existing 'investment' in software, but liberating themselves from the OS-vendor's thuggery.
mylka 18 Jan 2019
Proton is gonna be the end of native ports and companies like Feral. It will also confirm Windows as the only "true" gaming os on personal computers. Really sad.

even if its true, whats the problem with that?

You are probably too young to remember, but there was a time when a company called IBM tried the same exact strategy to compete against MS's operating system(s) with its OS/2 operating system: one of their "strong" points was near-perfect compatibility with DOS and Windows 3.x... I don't think I need to point out how that worked out for them: developers never joined the OS/2 train and kept developing for MS-DOS and Windows, giving users no incentives at all to switch. The users simply thought "why should I use a compatibility layer and have to put up with any nuisances, albeit minor, if I can have the real thing"? And this is more relevant than ever when applied to entertainment software in my opinion...
In the short run Proton is getting us more games, but in the long run it is encouraging developers to not even recognize Linux as a platform: they will keep writing software for Windows, they will still not support Linux, and they will have one less reason to even consider developing their games with a multiplatform focus from the start.

back then there was no internet. you havent update your OS at all. an OS couldnt phone home, or install crap you dont want by itself
developers dont have to recognize linux as a platform! GAMERS HAVE!
as i said: first market share, then developers

if i get you right you think, that developers stop supporting linux and valve stops proton and we have nothing?
there alway be wine and DXVK

what do you think? what would be the alternative?
Thetargos 18 Jan 2019
what do you think? what would be the alternative?
WaaS*, that's what... plus soon-ish gaming will move to the cloud, so you will only rent access, and own nothing... though that could be said is true already with digital distribution and always on-line DRM (not only digital distribution), albeit without a periodic fee. So your "client" device won't matter if it's a PC, Chromebook, phone, tablet, Switch, XBOX or PSX.

*Windows as a Service. Plus, as ironic as it sounds, there are already projects and efforts to implement past MS APIs on top of modern Windows (Wine for Windows, if you will) in order to run older software... so...
Eike 18 Jan 2019
  • Supporter Plus
Doesn't that have a heavy connotation of booze? :)

And your point is?

Despite the wink: "Feierabend" doesn't. :)
Purple Library Guy 18 Jan 2019
Doesn't that have a heavy connotation of booze? :)

And your point is?

Despite the wink: "Feierabend" doesn't. :)
Heh. Well, I don't even drink so you'd notice, the joke just seemed to want to be made.
mylka 18 Jan 2019
what do you think? what would be the alternative?
WaaS*, that's what... plus soon-ish gaming will move to the cloud, so you will only rent access, and own nothing... though that could be said is true already with digital distribution and always on-line DRM (not only digital distribution), albeit without a periodic fee. So your "client" device won't matter if it's a PC, Chromebook, phone, tablet, Switch, XBOX or PSX.

*Windows as a Service. Plus, as ironic as it sounds, there are already projects and efforts to implement past MS APIs on top of modern Windows (Wine for Windows, if you will) in order to run older software... so...

thats not an alternative. if you think streaming is the future, it makes everything else unimportant and it doesnt matter if we have native or proton or anything
Thetargos 18 Jan 2019
what do you think? what would be the alternative?
WaaS*, that's what... plus soon-ish gaming will move to the cloud, so you will only rent access, and own nothing... though that could be said is true already with digital distribution and always on-line DRM (not only digital distribution), albeit without a periodic fee. So your "client" device won't matter if it's a PC, Chromebook, phone, tablet, Switch, XBOX or PSX.

*Windows as a Service. Plus, as ironic as it sounds, there are already projects and efforts to implement past MS APIs on top of modern Windows (Wine for Windows, if you will) in order to run older software... so...

thats not an alternative. if you think streaming is the future, it makes everything else unimportant and it doesnt matter if we have native or proton or anything
That's the direction the industry is going anyway. See what are doing MS with the XBox and Google and nVidia, even.
mylka 18 Jan 2019
developers dont have to recognize linux as a platform! GAMERS HAVE!
as i said: first market share, then developers

Exactly what IBM thought back in the day, and that move was the end of Big Blue on personal computing space for good.
You seem to dismiss developers' impact on a platform... you are probably too young to remember the "developers, developers, developers" chant from Ballmer back in 2000 too. It was cringy and meme-worthy, but he was right.

what do you think? what would be the alternative?

As Linus himself [said](https://itsfoss.com/desktop-linux-torvalds/), probably something akin to Chromebooks and Android, but sorry I don't have the definitive answer to that question.

i still think you cant compare now and then.
the fact that we can talk over the internet changes so many factors

maybe it wasnt the time for another OS back then. very few ppl had a PC and they were happy with what they had, software was hard to get, a lack of information about new software

today everyone has internet, everyone can download linux in no time, PCs are very cheap and everybody has one or more, even mainstream talks about linux

just look at all the software for linux. even fucking MICROSOFT skype has a linux client.... not just 1..... 3!!!!! DEB, RPM and SNAP

it is just not the same

i just dont think, that linux ports will die, because some developers have passion and they want to improve themselves
just look at DOOM2016. ID software ported the game to linux for fun (who knows why it wasnt released)
and i am pretty sure a lot of indie games will still get a port even if they dont need one because of proton

after 6 years valve tries another strategy and i think it is a good one. and again: you cant compare it with something decades ago
Thetargos 18 Jan 2019
Sadly, though, current trend is to make the client irrelevant. Sure, consumers are stubborn, but just look at how much "simple things" have changed over the last decade (60% of that time Steam has been available on our beloved platform, mind you), in terms of people preferences simply due to the "easier" and more 'convenient' offers from music streaming services, to a myriad of video streaming services with fully fledged multimillion dollar productions, to 'storage'... computing and soon gaming. The good thing, though, is that many prefer to have physical evidence, and hence some clinge to physical copies of movies, music, books and even their data, alas the great majority prefer the more convenient solutions on their flaming new thin clients.

I would LOVE for things not to be that way, but that's where the whole IT and entertainment industries are heading, gaming included, and while on the other side of the pipe Linux is the 800 pund Gorilla ruling over the server OSes, as the client is rendered meaningless, as is the host OS... I'm not sure what can we expect in the next 5 years.
In the short run Proton is getting us more games, but in the long run it is encouraging developers to not even recognize Linux as a platform: they will keep writing software for Windows, they will still not support Linux, and they will have one less reason to even consider developing their games with a multiplatform focus from the start.

Eventually Microsoft will close their garden and will force developers to join The Windows Store: If your game or software is not there, suddenly it will not work on windows 10 or the next windows...
I don't see big publishers like EA and Ubisoft closing their respective clients for to join the Windows Store....
I don't see Indie devs joining the Windows Store.

Remember that this was the reason why Valve decided to make the Linux incursion... and it will happen, maybe after the EOL of Windows 7, in a year.
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