I often find it hard to hold in my excitement about certain games, Volcanoids is one of them as it looks completely awesome. A game with steampunk-like massive moving drills you build your base on, sign me up doc!
We mentioned recently their progress towards getting a Linux version was going well and now they've updated us again. Writing once again on their Steam forum topic, they said this:
Progress update 2:
We will be releasing Linux support in upcoming update 1.13
Minimum requirement is OpenGL Core 4.3
Black screen startup issue has been fixed, shader compilation has been moved into loading screen (when going from menu to game).
The game loads 30-120s slower than on Windows, because OpenGL shader binaries are HW / Driver specific and we cannot compile them during build.
We hope to address this issue by using Vulkan graphics API. Vulkan implementation is in progress, but not ready for release yet, there are rendering artifacts.
They also mentioned in another post "Sooner we finish Vulkan the better." due to shader compiling. Really great to get some insights into how development is going, I wish more developers were so open like this.
As a reminder, their trailer is blow:
Direct Link
I'm hoping to be able to take a look at this as soon as the Linux build is available, will keep you posted. I'm sure many of our readers are itching to try this one. It's just the fact that these massive drills are both your base and transportation by the looks of it, as they burrow deep into the ground and it looks so fun!
You can follow and wishlist on Steam.
Cool concept, only missing multiplayer with dedicated Linux server!
Quoting: gabberToo bad it's single player ..
Cool concept, only missing multiplayer with dedicated Linux server!
MP is on the roadmap also i heard. This is what interests me the most also as singleplayer survival games usually dont work for me unless they are really story driven
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