Here's a bit of interesting news to end the week with, BattlEye have said they are working with Valve to get their anti-cheat working with Steam Play/Proton.
The curious thing here, is that I did speak to BattlEye back in March where they told me they would only be able to support native Linux games. In my email to BattlEye I did mention our previous chat, but it seems the below quote is the standard line they're giving out on this.
Inspired by this Reddit post, I did my own digging and contacted them again to verify the information. To my surprise, within minutes they replied to me to say "Currently we do not officially support Wine, but we are working with Valve to add support for Proton (SteamPlay) on Steam.".
I have to wonder if this started after my previous article, perhaps it got some people talking? Good to see some positivity on this though, in future it could mean titles like PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS will become playable on Linux with Steam Play.
I've said numerous times now that multiplayer titles will be a pain point for Steam Play but perhaps not for much longer. There's a lot more games that use it and no doubt more will in future, so the idea of BattlEye working in Steam Play is obviously quite exciting to expand Linux gaming even further.
And now with DX11, so DXVK would apply at this point if the Battleye were to work.If this is accomplished, it will also likely allow Planetside 2 to work, which would be very exciting...
Oh damn is that still around i thought the servers died for that a while back cool to see its still online had a bunch a fun with that game few years back.
About a year or so ago, someone claiming to be in the know posted somewhere that anti-cheat compatibilities are hard, and that even if everyone were going all out on this, it would "take years" to get it working and that, for all parties involved working on it, it isn't priority one, so it'll take a long while...
Last edited by iiari on 16 Feb 2020 at 10:15 pm UTC
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