What are you playing this weekend and what do you think about it? It's mostly Dota Underlords for me
Let's lighten the mood a bit shall we? It's question time here on GamingOnLinux! Let's have a talk about what you've been playing recently.
I will of course go first: Dota Underlords. I have quite the sweet spot for it already, even though I'm absolutely terrible at it. This might be the game to finally get me to kick my unhealthy Rocket League obsession, which is amazing considering how radically different they are. I adore strategy games though and unlike normal Dota, I don't need to think ridiculously quickly. Since you don't need any kind of reflexes for it, sitting back and relaxing with the Steam Controller is another reason I quite like Dota Underlords. In the evenings on weekends especially, I can be quite the lazy-gamer, so anything that allows me to kick back with it is likely to get my vote.
After only being out for a few days, it's already annihilated the player record for Artifact. Artifact's all-time high was only just over 60K whereas Underlords has sailed past 190K, although that shouldn't be too surprising since Underlords is free and isn't rammed full of micro-transactions (yet?) and it helps being on mobile as well of course (According to one of the SteamDB folk, the mobile players are being counted too).
Based on what the Underlords team have said, coming "soon" will be:
- Full Scoreboard
- Social features: Scrolling through the map, hearing other player's fights and full chat.
- Hero VO.
- Balance: Dragon Alliance, Dragon Units and Items (Boots)
They also said they're exploring a "Turbo Mode" for those who find games a bit too long. I also love the sound of that very much!
What else? ISLANDERS! An instant purchase the moment Linux support became available, what a beautiful city-builder that's not really like any other. Incredible style, with fun game-play that has you trying to get your score constantly higher and it doesn't take a huge amount of attention from a tired mind.
On top of that I also played the Linux Distribution-Hopping Game 2.0, with a full switch to Manjaro. So far, so good. Everything installed smoothly, grabbing extra software is easy and KDE shines on it.
So, what have you been playing recently and what do you think about it?
TW:Three Kingdoms. An excellent Total War!
Borderlands 2
I would love to continue my journey on Grimrock 2 unfortunatly I'm stuck with my Manjaro laptop potato. In the forest, lowest setting, I get 10 FPS max... Too bad the game is great.
Last edited by TobyGornow on 23 Jun 2019 at 6:55 am UTC
And yes, looks like I, too, may need to go find a different distro. I do want Gnome, though, so kde based desktops are not really an option.
(Before that it was Borderlands 1 Enhanced under Proton)
I tried KurtzPel but performances aren't really good..
And CS:GO takes most of my time
But a bit Dirt Rally (the first game) and some RAGE 2 with the help of proton, will squeeze in.
Maybe i can squeeze some more games into my weekend, but will see.
But I am really looking forward to the steam sales and Civilization VI's latest expansion..
All that thanks to Steamplay :)
Also I'll be discovering Artifact tonight on stream probably .
@liamdawe The Expression Amrilato just went up on steam ... with no changes to the GOG version apparently ...
But I started Stellaris again yesterday (and it's now 64 Bit *cough, cough*) and I will play Mordhau with my son today.
So I will play Mordhau and Stellaris or TW3.
Bu I should not start Stellaris AND TW3 - I have a job :P
Last edited by einherjar on 23 Jun 2019 at 12:21 pm UTC
I also took another shot at Outlast, still hate it. The context of 'making your own found footage film' spiced it up a bit, but pushing myself into dark tunnels with enemies makes me feel a bit sick XP
Tribal start, and we have just discovered electricity. An alien ship plumps down and we attack it with bows and sticks, and revolvers from raiders. Yay! (Somehow we survived)
Just back from a caravan trip to hand over 38 bowler hats for a big sack of silver. I bought two cows on the road. In the very same instant I get the message they are back on the map, another message about a raid also pops up. "Gee, I hope they don't end up in the same spot"
No guesses there, eh.
Try to calmly get them away as the raiders were of the "preparing first" type. Seems to work okay...?
Oh no! One of the raiders started punching one of my cows, and that triggered the whole lot. Soon both cows are down. One is bleeding out and another got blown up. One of my guys is down too. He had gut works (from the trip) and walked slowly, so wasn't able to lure around them quickly enough. He's bleeding out too. Thankfully it would take 10 hours, so I was able to deal with them first. And somehow he got back up and was able to walk into the colony. Strange.
Life on the rim is dangerous! :)
Poor cows, though. 820 silver investment that survived for perhaps 60 seconds on the main map. No milk. RIP.
Proton: Mordhau, [...]as a great fan of Chivalery:MW (specially with black knigth mod), i would try it. Does it run nice without tricks in proton?
Mordhau is the new goodie, its awesome I really enjoy it. Many ppl crying about it, but it is fun and a chill experience for me, mainly because really not matter you win or loose, you can have tons of fun (as soon as you learned how to not die instantly) and I think servers now are fixed so you get decent latency.
I would like to try AS:Odyssey (ancient greek <3 : do we meet Thales, Aristoteles or Plato?) as i had a lot of fun with this kind of game (Witcher3-proton, MadMax native, Middle Earth:shadow of mordor native) but never get a "uplay" game and I don't want to spend several evening searching how to make all those working ... I have a job and a family :'( ... :oP
Last edited by Para-Gliding on 23 Jun 2019 at 12:31 pm UTC
[](https://ibb.co/VmnzYj2) [](https://ibb.co/5jQRRB6)
Proton: Mordhau, [...]as a great fan of Chivalery:MW (specially with black knigth mod), i would try it. Does it run nice without tricks in proton?
Mordhau is the new goodie, its awesome I really enjoy it. Many ppl crying about it, but it is fun and a chill experience for me, mainly because really not matter you win or loose, you can have tons of fun (as soon as you learned how to not die instantly) and I think servers now are fixed so you get decent latency.
Absolutely. My son and I just clicked Install --> Play --Y Have Fun :-)
We are both on Ubuntu with Kubuntu Desktop install and on NVidia.
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