After releasing a demo with Linux support back in April, the dark adventure game Little Misfortune now has a release date of September 18th.
Developed by Killmonday Games, this is their second title after the really well received Fran Bow from back in 2015. Curiously, Killmonday said that Little Misfortune shares the same universe as Fran Bow and it seems it will be as delightfully strange. They say that it's an "interactive story" one where your choices will have an impact and there will be…consequences.

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I spoke to the developer over email earlier today, where they confirmed that the September 18th release date will include the Linux version too which is fantastic news. They also replied to our Twitter post with a glorious confirmation gif.
After originally trying the demo it left a lasting impression, so it went straight onto my personal wishlist. It worked well, had some great art, fantastic voice-over and the whole premise of it just seemed so mysterious and a little sinister. I mean, you're going on an adventure with "Mr. Voice"—creepy.
If you wish to try the demo until then, you can find it on and Steam.
where your choices will have an impact and there will be…consequencesThis phrase again... But I guess it would make a decent drinking game if you read through descriptions of recent game releases and had to take a swig every time one mentions "choices" and "consequences".
Those games are driven by their story, art and puzzles. Neither of which is something that is fun to repeat just in order to reach some parts you did not see yet.
It works for other games, RPGs usually, as those are driven by gameplay that can be repeated and is still fun when doing so, even if you already know the story and art.
Still, game's on my wishlist either way. I really loved Fran Bow.
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