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Last edited by Shmerl on 25 Sep 2019 at 2:50 pm UTC
Last edited by Shmerl on 25 Sep 2019 at 2:57 pm UTC
Wayland stats would be interesting, but it still has major downsides for gaming, such as lack of adaptive sync support.
Last edited by axredneck on 25 Sep 2019 at 7:34 pm UTC
Unfortunately adaptive sync doesn't work on X11 with multiple monitors, so at the moment I don't have it either way (I also don't feel like turning the second one off). But I do see the problem being solved more easily on Wayland, once the implementation is there in the first place.
[Unpopular/controversial opinion/rant?]
I know I'm being pessimistic, but honestly, Wayland has just precisely zero selling points for me. Apparently it's a better design, in some way. More focus on modern architecture in some way that I'm meant to care about? But in reality, it's just a series of drawbacks with no upsides (that I know about, or care about).
Doesn't help that I'm still on Nvidia either - did they ever get Nvidia to care enough about Wayland to add the necessary driver support? Sure, my next card will be AMD, but I'm only just over a year into my GTX1080 so I'm probably about four years away from that being relevant
Wayland feels like a solution in search of a problem. Always has. Its utter lack of traction/success actually justifies Canonical's wasted Mir effort. No wonder that they realised they had to build their own tech based on Wayland's performance/uptake.
Long story short - start showing Wayland performance benchmarks where it significantly (or hell, even marginally) outperforms Xorg and people will actually care. Keep bashing on about "better security" or "direct access to compositor without the need for client/server architecture" and no one ever will.
[rant over]
All kidding aside, the adoption has been slow on the desktop, and most of the focus has understandably been on mobile and in-vehicle systems, because that's where the benefits are more obvious. Sailfish is smooth as butter on my old Jolla, running on Wayland of course.
. Unfortunately SDL from the Steam runtime is still compiled without Wayland support, so it won't work there, but it should pretty much anywhere else.