Pewter Games (The Little Acre) and LoPoly (The Legend of Danny Crask) have teamed up for Put 'Em Up!, a ridiculous looking co-op game where you're in control of anthropomorphic animals and you get up to a whole bunch of mischief.
There's a lot of silly physics going on so you will be pushing, shoving and throwing everything around and it honestly looks really funny. It's not just the amusing sounding physics you're dealing with, you also have to overcome the AI security and other AI characters.
In Put 'Em Up, each location is made up of multiple sections of increasing difficulty. After messing the place up good, dealing with puzzles and AI you need to wait for extraction. This is where it sounds like it can get pretty tense, as many security guards will be trying to stop you. According to the developer, it only currently supports local multiplayer but the good news is that online play is in their plans to be added in later.
Have a look at their wild trailer below:

Direct Link
Right now it has the first chapter available with The Bank Job, split into four sections. Soon though, they're going to be adding in the Gang Hideout allowing you to play mini-games and more. After that, more levels and more of everything.
You can find it currently on Fig, where it's in "Open Access". This is a hybrid of crowdfunding and early access, that allows developers to build up funds while people who pledge get access right away. So far they've managed to reach just over four thousand dollars, once they hit five thousand a new playable character is planned to be added in. This is the same system that Vagrus is using and they're doing very well with it.
Just recently, the developer put up a Linux build too. When you pledge now, you will be sent a key to download it from Game Jolt. Find the campaign and full details on Fig where it's $15 for an early copy, that will also give you a key to the full release whenever that happens.
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