Released back in October 2017, In The Shadows is an incredibly pretty puzzle platformer with a very sweet idea and it's very much worth a look.
It's all about the dark and monsters, however they're scared of the light. You use lights to scare them, forcing them to transform into various objects you can then use to progress through each level. It's absolutely delightful and the two year anniversary update is a great excuse to go and check it out.
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The 1.1 update released a week or so ago is mainly to tidy up issue people uncovered. Issues like being able to fall through some platforms, better 16:10 support, some additional sound effects were added, lots of visual tweaks to make it look even more awesome, a few visual clues where players were getting stuck and all sorts like that. Nothing needed drastic changes, so it's just making the whole experience smoother.
Also added with the 1.1 release are translations for Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese.
In The Shadows feature highlight:
- Four unique worlds with colorful environments and real time lighting!
- Many monsters each with their own mechanics
- Many levels to explore with challenging puzzles to solve
- Hidden levels and secrets to uncover!
- Beautiful music made exclusively for the game
- A touching story about fears and comfort
Fantastic design, sweet story and interesting puzzles will keep you entertained all the way through.
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