Valve have today started the big Autumn Sale with tons of ridiculously good deals. On top of that, the Steam Awards have returned so it's time to make your nominations.
Far too many games on sale, here's a few fun picks:
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - 78% off
- Prison Architect - 75% off
- Salt and Sanctuary - 75% off
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - 75% off
- Total War: WARHAMMER II - 66% off
- 7 Days to Die - 66% off
- BATTLETECH - 66% off
- Two Point Hospital - 66% off
- Slime Rancher - 60% off
- Opus Magnum - 50% off
Another incredible deal is the Steam Controller, which has gone down to £4.00 / $5.00 / €5.50 and they only have a limited amount left so it looks like this is the last run. We've emailed Valve to see if they care to confirm this is the end of the Steam Controller.
Honestly, the Steam Controller has been incredible to the point that I confessed my love of it in an article before. Highly versatile too, with the help of SC Controller. At that price, I might have to pickup a spare, I will be quite sad whenever mine die.
If you wish to show your appreciation to certain games, you can nominate them for the Steam Awards here. You get one of those fancy profile badges if you do, you all care about those right?
You have until December 3rd to pick up your cheap games.
Huh, I never realized that while I had one. Pretty nifty feature.Are you guys saying that you can control the camera by just tilting the SC sideways?
Exactly! Right thumb on the trackpad activates the gyroscope (even that is configurable). You may even make it a steering wheel for a racing game! Did it for Dirt and Grid games.
Thing is, there are many community created templates that you don't need to tweak... Just a quick search should be enough to load one that fits your needs.
I lucked out and got one before they sold outI think I might have to pick up a third steam controller, that's an incredible priceAlready out of stock, sadly.
Today it said Limited quantities but the buy button was not greyed out.
The first attempt failed as it still said "Out of stock" late in the process,
when you have to enter your shipping address.
So this did not work and I basically gave up.
It was still in the cart because I forgot to remove.
I bought a game from the sale and left the SC in the cart.
This time it worked.
Take it with a grain of salt. I'm not sure this was pure luck
(maybe it's a statistical thing how they distribute the stock left)
or has really something to do with having something in the cart.
Good luck!
I bought the Steam Controller again a few months ago with Sekiro to give it another try. The first one went to the trash after I was unable to play a game with it.
Unfortunately, after trying and giving it a honest try, I still just cant play with the Steam Controller. I lack feedback with the touch thingy and therefore shooters and third person games are impossible to play.
Maybe if I tried for days on end for 3 months I might get used to it, but that is way too much time to learn a new controller.
So I went back the the XONE controller in the end. Don't fix what ain't broken IMHO.
I know a common issue people have with the Steam Controller is not taking proper advantage of the accelerometer. People try to use the touchpads to take the place of mouse control in situations where the accelerometer works better. Of course it doesn't seem to be for everyone, and it takes some getting used to.
I once had a Microsoft Sidewinder Dual Strike controller, and other people tried it and thought I was crazy to use it. I played through Half-Life in its entirety with that controller, though. I actually quite liked it. The digital thumb stick (which I used for movement, like WASD keys with a mouse/keyboard set up) broke on it, and I repaired it. I continued to use it until the microswitches for the buttons started to go bad. Of course there was no replacement available. I think controllers with an accelerometer to take the place of mouse aiming, like the Steam controller, are probably the closest thing to a replacement for it now.
Edit: I wanted to add that I haven't really used a Steam Controller because I haven't taken the time to set it up and get used to it. I've now used a mouse and keyboard so much that I don't have the same degree of desire to have a controller to control first person shooters that I had back in 1999. I still plan on trying it though because there are certain advantages to playing by feel with a controller over a keyboard (i.e., you're less likely to hit the wrong button when under pressure with a controller).
Yeah, the gyro aiming is so nice with the steam controller. When I built my first gaming pc I bought the steam controller because I didn't think I'd get used to mouse and keyboard for games having used nothing but controllers before. The first game I tried it with was Doom 2016. At the start it was very difficult to get used to, but I could see it was a matter of learning the skills needed and it was actually enjoyable learning how to use the controller and getting better with it. Learning to use the controller was like a game in itself. And by the time I'd completed Doom I was in love with the controller. Sad to see it's demise.
But I have to admit that the Steam Controller's Joystick emulation, with a trackpad, is garbage... Much better to start with a standard Xbox controller setup and modify the right trackpad to be used as a mouse or a joystick in mouse mode, imo.
Joystick isn't so much garbage as it higlights what kind of weird stupid funky things devs are doing to make aiming with a joystick semi tolerable.
Hell that's why Dishonored 2 templates reverted back to KBM modes because of the weird behavior of the aim correction of the gamepad mode.
Have emailed Valve about the Steam Controller, awaiting a response.No reply to us, sadly.
So it might be worth checking regularly if you still want to grab one
I saw the "buy" button green (with no "out of stock") message for me 5 minutes ago in Estonia (with 15 eur for shipping). But by now it is out of stock again.
Someone has to write a sniper application for this. :D

Also, the front page video is being changed every day: [day 1](, [day 2](
I was just checking here to see if you'd had an update on it. I think no reply from Valve is a better sign of a v2 being round the corner. If they were about to announce a v2 then they'd be unlikely to confirm it just yet, whereas if they were ending the line they might be more inclined to let you know (right?)Have emailed Valve about the Steam Controller, awaiting a response.No reply to us, sadly.
Also, are there any games that have tried a 3D pixel art style? That front page is making me want one.
Also Also, what is playing on the screen behind digi-Gabe?
Also, are there any games that have tried a 3D pixel art style? That front page is making me want one.
A Short Hike doesn't look like the front page, but it's pixel 3D (and good!)...
Last edited by Eike on 28 Nov 2019 at 2:16 pm UTC
Also, are there any games that have tried a 3D pixel art style? That front page is making me want one.
A Short Hike doesn't look like the front page, but it's pixel 3D (and good!)...
Ok, it may be an example of be careful what you wish for, because at full screen my eyes are having trouble focusing on the image. It's easier when it is windowed, inside the steam page, but otherwise that trailer has made me re-assess my desires :D
Last edited by rick01457 on 28 Nov 2019 at 2:19 pm UTC
Any news on a new revision or is the Steam Controller history?These links point to a v2 sometime in the near future:
The main change seems to be four grip buttons on the back (instead of two). Maybe force sensitive this time.
I saw the "buy" button green (with no "out of stock") message for me 5 minutes ago in Estonia (with 15 eur for shipping). But by now it is out of stock again.
Someone has to write a sniper application for this. :D
I bet 30 people have written a script to buy it asap by now. :D
It doesn't work on my, granted rather old, rig.
(Still Phenom II X4 + Radeon HD 7950).
On start it tells me that my CPU is not supported.
Now you might say: Hey your machine is really old, get a new
one. Things cannot be supported forever, it's too slow anyhow.
Here is the catch: I installed it on Windows 10.
And guess what. It looks gorgeous on 1080p, D3D12 and runs
absolutely smooth.
Same machine, dual boot.
A bit sad, that Feral felt the urge to introduce
higher CPU requirements with their port.
Really wanted to support Feral to make it a Linux sale.
I was expecting the game to not run as smooth as the Windows
version, but as it doesn't run at all - there is no
way for me to make it count as a Linux sale. :(
Valve just sent me a refund right now without further explaining the case.
Anyone else got his Steam Controller purchase just cancelled?
Valve just sent me a refund right now without further explaining the case.
If anyone else is as confused as me about where the thread about this has disappeared to - the same topic was on a different [post](
Anyone else got his Steam Controller purchase just cancelled?[They oversold them, plain and simple]( 😒 I was one of the lucky ones - mine just arrived today.
Valve just sent me a refund right now without further explaining the case.
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