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Subset Games today released a small update to FTL: Faster Than Light, finally giving it some Steam Achievements after the original release in 2012.

FTL did already have its own built-in achievements but now it's all nicely hooked up with the Steam API so you can show off how good you are. Not me though, I think I only ever had one successful run of it. Absolutely brilliant game though, a real devil with your time as you just want one more run.

FTL is actually one of the earliest success stories, especially for Linux gaming too, that came from a Kickstarter campaign. When they launched it, they had a tiny goal of $10,000 which was smashed ending on $200,542. This was before the likes of Wasteland 2, the Ouya, Planetary Annihilation and a ton more that eventually followed went to crowdfunding too.

Pick it up from Humble Store or Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Hopfenmeister Jan 30, 2020
I wonder: will I still be able to fire up FTL without going through steam? Because I like doing that right now.
g000h Jan 30, 2020
Just launched the game and all the achievements filtered through.
appetrosyan Jan 30, 2020
Question: why do people care about achievements?
redneckdrow Jan 30, 2020
Quoting: appetrosyanQuestion: why do people care about achievements?

The usual reasons: bragging rights and/or posterity. Me, I like picking a couple to try for when I've got a new game. I've never been a completionist; I hate that kind of thing, it breeds obsession.

Guess its why I'm an old-school Nintendo/Sega fan (Yes, both). None of that to worry about.
kuhpunkt Jan 30, 2020
Quoting: appetrosyanQuestion: why do people care about achievements?

To get the feeling of having achieved something. Sometimes those are neat challenges.
shawnsterp Jan 30, 2020
Boy, I can't wait for that Into the Breach linux port!
Cyril Jan 31, 2020
FTL is just a masterpiece, period.
I don't care about achievements though.
But yeah I'm patiently waiting for the Linux port of Into the Breach!

Last edited by Cyril on 31 January 2020 at 12:28 am UTC
Hamish Jan 31, 2020
Quoting: Liam DaweNot me though, I think I only ever had one successful run of it.
My last game of FTL went flawlessly all the way to the end. Now I kind of don't want to play again because I know I will never be able to match it. :S:
eldaking Jan 31, 2020
Quoting: appetrosyanQuestion: why do people care about achievements?

For the same reason as they care about winning the game, or beating a high score, or clearing all the optional side-quests, or doing speedruns, or placing high on the ladder, or increasing their player level, or playing on high difficulties, or playing with ironman or perma-death...

Achievements are game milestones you can reach by playing the game. They can add welcome objectives or challenges, or they can just create a sense of progression as you play. Sometimes they can simply mark cool and interesting (but not necessarily difficult) things you wouldn't otherwise notice. For some people, the indirect competition with other players is important. For some people, completing all achievements is important.

I particularly don't care much about the social aspect, for the same reasons as I prefer single-player games. And not every game uses them in the same way. But the reasons for them are quite straightforward.
Hopfenmeister Jan 31, 2020
Quoting: eldakingBut the reasons for them are quite straightforward.

You forgot the most important reason why they exist: they tie you to the platform.
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