Explore space in a fully customizable and destructible spaceship in Space Impossible, which just had a massive update as they bring it into Beta.
In Space Impossible everything is made out of little tiles, giving you the chance to be a little creative. Their tile system went through a bit of an overhaul too, as it can now give transparent tiles and the developer can also now add in more special effects along with more colours you can pick when painting your precious vessel too.
Coming in hot with a brand new tutorial too, well sort-of anyway. The first star system you get is now a bit more hand-crafted and get a brief walk-through to get you going. It's simple and effective, giving you a short intro to at least tell you the basics. Masses of other changes including a new ore system. You now mine specific ores to then refine them into other materials for building and trading.
They also have a fancy new trailer:
Direct Link
Also added into this release are Independent Traders, who will trade with basically anyone. Their prices apparently aren't the best but useful when you're in a pinch.
Online support has also been expanded with a dedicated server build and modding support was greatly improved along with a price bump to $12.99/£9.99/€10.99 which seems pretty reasonable for such a wonderful 2D space action and exploration game.
You can pick up Space Impossible on Steam.
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