Releasing on Steam on March 10, Trailer Trashers has up to four people in local multiplayer go crazy as you bounce bullets around various cramped arenas.
There's going to be five game modes like last person standing, team death-match, shotgun soccer and more. They made a little joke about an 'imaginary friend mode' so possibly some AI in there if you don't manage to get someone to play with. However, with Steam Remote Play local-only games aren't such a problem they once were. Have a look at the trailer below, it looks nuts:
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Created by Sakari Games a small indie studio from Antwerp, Belgium. They confirmed to GOL on Twitter that it will be releasing for Linux and they're recommending you have a gamepad ready for it.
You can wishlist/follow on Steam for release on March 10, if anything changes with the date we will endeavour to let you know.
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