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Super Bernie World is a new free and retro political platformer from a team of different indie developers and it's out now with a Linux version.

Is this real? Yes, very much so. The Lead Developer and Producer is Emma Maassen from Kitsune Games (Lore Finder, MidBoss) and it's also made with the cross-platform FNA tech, with Ethan Lee doing the porting work as confirmed to us on Twitter.

Run and jump your way across 11 states and the District of Columbia as Bernie and free the USA from the clutches of four Republicans in their castle lairs. Find power ups like Vermont cheddar cheese, red roses, and the power of "Not Me. Us" to overcome obstacles such as walking red hats, Mitch troopas, and tiki torch throwers.

A political retro game rendered in classic NES style and colors, accompanied by nostalgic chip tunes.

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For an old dude, Bernie sure has a lot of agility in this. Jokes aside, it's a very retro and surprisingly polished Mario-styled platformer with a nice challenge to it that's supposed to encourage people to get out and vote (and they would obviously prefer you vote for this Bernie fellow). There's even a few real statements included from politicians.

Find it free on itch.io (you can play in the browser too) and also Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly checked on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly. You can also follow my personal adventures on Bluesky.
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Projectile Vomit 10 Mar 2020

orochi_kyo 10 Mar 2020
I just want to say that I envy you all. If you can take the lies about socialism so lightly, If you think that someone is just "joking" when he said socialism is about taking "someone else things and give it to others."
This is the kind of lies and jokes that will give Trump four more years of madness, kids in cages like dogs, making a wall instead of investing in health care or education, more hunger and people dying of treatable diseases and a possible third world war.
You are the kind of people who can see the world in fire and don't give a crap about it. Good for you.

But I cant, Jarhead isn't joking, these people are on the internet and in the streets telling others that the only solution is the survival of the strongest and things like health, education and affordable access to clean water, Internet and other stuff should be only accessible for those who can pay for it.

Then they took these wicked ideals to the PC gaming, as Jarhead proposed in another thread "why devs should be optimizing their games for our old 3-10 years old PCs"? Is us "who should be working 80 hours a week to buy more raw power?" and causing more environmental troubles with more wasted PC parts, because PC hardware is really hard to recycle or reuse. Even if we donate or gift our PCs, it is not a guarantee that the hardware will not end soon in a trash can.

Optimizing is the socialism of PC, when we receive great things like ACO, MESA, and Vulkan that still works in our old hardware(Vulkan can run in GCN AMD cards which are 10 years old) and make games to run at playable speeds, we are helping the environment by not needing to buy and waste harware.

So sorry to Liam and the GOL community for not being a good example of the "community".
Purple Library Guy 10 Mar 2020
Well, I thought it was probably that lame but I thought it polite to ask.

Come on now, why 'lame'? He used such words as 'seize' and 'redistribute', which signal authentic knowledge of the subject matter.

I mean, that's the correct idiom, right? You know 'seize the means of' ... what was it ... and sure enough 'redistribute' is another of those words. Like 'free stuff'.
"production". "Seize the means of production". Not, like, the products of production. And no, while Sanders is certainly into redistribution, as are social democrats and other welfare state types, that's because they're all capitalists (including Sanders, whatever he may say). If you're going to be a capitalist, you either have redistribution or you have, in time, the third world. Capitalism + redistribution is not a bad system; the problem is that it's unsustainable because capitalists don't like it and have the power to do things about it, so the "redistribution" part keeps going away (or more often being switched from redistribution downwards to redistribution upwards).
Socialists aren't into redistribution. You don't need redistribution if nobody gets to siphon money from the proles while they sleep in the first place.
Free stuff, on the other hand, is great. While I believe in Libre software for Libre-type reasons, I'm absolutely pleased with the fact that it tends to end up also being gratis. If both lots of capitalists and some "socialists" ripped off Super Mario Whatever, I'd say it's a feature that at least the "socialists" gave away the results instead of also ripping off consumers.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 10 Mar 2020 at 8:00 pm UTC
Liam Dawe 10 Mar 2020
  • Admin
So sorry to Liam and the GOL community for not being a good example of the "community".
I had to do a triple take on your comment, as I'm a little tired now but I don't really see anything wrong with what you said. You sounded quite respectable in how you put your views across. I quite liked the comparison of optimizations :) - even if I don't personally understand all the ins and outs of the different political views.
jarhead_h 11 Mar 2020
Wow, one pithy comment with some wordplay pointing out that these guys just shamelessly ripped off SuperMario and everybody loses their minds.

Maybe I should do that more often.

"production". "Seize the means of production". Not, like, the products of production. And no, while Sanders is certainly into redistribution, as are social democrats and other welfare state types, that's because they're all capitalists (including Sanders, whatever he may say). [/quote]
Bernie isn't a socialist, he's a grifter. The only person he's ever lifted from poverty is himself, and he did so on the taxpayers dime first from his government paycheck followed by laundering his campaign money. Those new beach houses and that bright red Audi R8 he picked up after his 2016 endorsement of HRC should have been a clue to everybody about the guy. He's doing it again this year, his campaign has already been caught running it's ads through an agency owned buy his children. My guess is his campaign strategy was to make himself such a PITA that he could really leverage a hell of a payout for conceding and endorsing whoever the party leadership actually wanted.

I'm not engaging in political ideas, I'm not arguing economic systems, I'm outright saying that Bernie Sanders is almost certainly a criminal that needs to be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the relevant federal laws.

Last edited by jarhead_h on 11 Mar 2020 at 5:27 am UTC
jarhead_h 11 Mar 2020
I just want to say that I envy you all. If you can take the lies about socialism so lightly, If you think that someone is just "joking" when he said socialism is about taking "someone else things and give it to others."
This is the kind of lies and jokes that will give Trump four more years of madness, kids in cages like dogs, making a wall instead of investing in health care or education, more hunger and people dying of treatable diseases and a possible third world war.
You are the kind of people who can see the world in fire and don't give a crap about it. Good for you.

Yeah, not lettin' that go. I'm going to respond in reverse order.

1)"You are the kind of people who can see the world in fire and don't give a crap about it."

I voted for Trump because the Russian military had approximately 40,000 troops on the border of Ukraine by end of October 2016. They were going to invade if HRC won the election because she had already stated that she would bring Ukraine into NATO, which would give the US Air Force the ability to install medium range nuclear-tipped missiles on the border where they had a five minute flight time to Moscow. This would break Mutually Assured Destruction which Putin could not allow, and the whole thing would have spiraled into a nuclear WW3. Trump stopped all of that just by beating HRC.

And now America is slowly withdrawing from the pointless wars in the Middle East that we never should have been part of. Thanks again to Donald J. Trump.

2)"making a wall"

I didn't want a wall, I wanted to dig a shipping lane. Something to connect the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean like the Panama Canal, but quite a bit bigger. It would have been the greatest public works project in all of human history, and would have provided sea water to the Southwest in preparation for graphene-filtration based water desalination plants powered by the abundant solar there, which would then green the desert and allow major cities like LA to stop sucking the Colorado River dry. It would also provide an alternate water source for the Ogalla aquifer currently being drained. Once matured after America endured the early-adopter tax( and happy to do it) the filter tech could be exported to the third world where it could provide cheap freshwater to places that still consider such a thing a fantasy. Best of all, the new port cities created would generate enough economic activity that the whole thing would eventually be paid for.

3)"kids in cages like dogs"

Started under Obama, ended under Trump. You literally have a completely inverted view of reality.

4)"If you think that someone is just "joking" when he said socialism is about taking "someone else things and give it to others."

It *is* just taking something that someone else made, by men with guns, skimming most of it off the top for the government to hoard, and then handing the crumbs to the peasants. Peasants that then starve to death after the government nationalizes agriculture.
Purple Library Guy 11 Mar 2020
I'm not engaging in political ideas, I'm not arguing economic systems, I'm outright saying that Bernie Sanders is almost certainly a criminal that needs to be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the relevant federal laws.
Pretty rich coming from a Trump supporter. Come to that, it would be pretty rich coming from a supporter of nearly any American politician.
commodore256 11 Mar 2020
Fuck Bernie, he's anti-freedom.

I live in a state dictated by DemocRAT rule and their taxes really hurt the poor who have hurt by addiction and they hurt them more by making them more poor. Car Registration fees are $200 and if you're poor and your car is worth $1,000, that's 20% of your car's value in registration. If you're poor and addicted to cigarettes have fun trying to get ahead in life when Cigarettes are $11 per pack.

Fuck republicans too, they claim to defend your property rights, but Regan and Trump said you're not supposed to own pieces of metal that they don't like.

Out of all of the extreme sides we saw in the 20th century like National Socialists, the Soviets, Dictatorship, they all have one thing in common. Authoritarianism. Under the tyranny I live in, I can't even sell lemonade without worrying about costumed thugs putting me in a cage.
Eike 11 Mar 2020
  • Supporter Plus
I'm not engaging in political ideas, I'm not arguing economic systems, I'm outright saying that Bernie Sanders is almost certainly a criminal that needs to be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the relevant federal laws.

What you're doing here sounds like libel to me.
Eike 11 Mar 2020
  • Supporter Plus
Fuck Bernie, he's anti-freedom.

I live in a state dictated by DemocRAT rule [...]

Wow. I'm really suprised what extreme political sides some people here take. But words like "DemocRAT" are quite telling.

Last edited by Eike on 11 Mar 2020 at 11:12 am UTC
commodore256 11 Mar 2020
Fuck Bernie, he's anti-freedom.

I live in a state dictated by DemocRAT rule [...]

Wow. I'm really suprised what extreme political sides some people here take. But words like "DemocRAT" are quite telling.

If you read the rest of what I said, I don't like Republicans either, I just couldn't think of a good pun for Republicans either. "Republican'ts" and "Republicunts" don't have a good ring to it. If you can think of a good pun, please tell me.

I don't like any political party, they all suck. I want gay farmers to be able to protect their weed crops with fully automatic weapons and pay a 0% tax.
Car Registration fees are $200 and if you're poor and your car is worth $1,000, that's 20% of your car's value in registration. If you're poor and addicted to cigarettes have fun trying to get ahead in life when Cigarettes are $11 per pack.

Taxation on consumer goods & wages reach absurd levels not because taxation AS SUCH is a bad idea; it's because so called 'wealth creators' get away with contributing *nothing*, under the most fantastical and 'utopian' excuses. (We're supposed to believe that tax cuts contribute to the flourishing of society in general -- yeah, right...)

Where I live, under a religious conservative and VERY 'business friendly' administration, taxation on consumer goods is off the roof. Imported electronics, for example, get an approx. 80% markup -- just because. You wouldn't believe the amount they extort over alcoholic beverages. And this is the antithesis of 'democratic socialist' country.

The anti-taxation 'faith' in the US is not *that* deeply rooted; the American Revolution was ignited by resentment against taxation by a colonial MONARCH, not against a democratically controlled taxation regime. At the *very least*, Bernie's movement gives some hope as to the weakening of that faith. That's quite something, after decades of brainwashing.

-- oh, and in response to another person's claim that 'Super Bernie World' is a 'shameless ripoff': Please look up the definition of 'parody' and 'spoof'.
Purple Library Guy 11 Mar 2020
I don't like any political party, they all suck. I want gay farmers to be able to protect their weed crops with fully automatic weapons and pay a 0% tax.
I believe they have that in Somalia.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 11 Mar 2020 at 4:10 pm UTC
commodore256 11 Mar 2020
Taxation on consumer goods & wages reach absurd levels not because taxation AS SUCH is a bad idea; it's because so called 'wealth creators' get away with contributing *nothing*, under the most fantastical and 'utopian' excuses. (We're supposed to believe that tax cuts contribute to the flourishing of society in general -- yeah, right...)

Taxation is theft, it's being taken under threat of kidnapping and if you resist kidnapping via defending yourself instead of running away, they kill you. I don't care who you're stealing from, it's still theft. I think trusting central planners and a monopoly on arbitration not to be corrupt is utopian.

Where I live, under a religious conservative and VERY 'business friendly' administration, taxation on consumer goods is off the roof. Imported electronics, for example, get an approx. 80% markup -- just because. You wouldn't believe the amount they extort over alcoholic beverages.

Like I said, I don't like republicans either. They blame it on RINOs and Neocons, but that's a no true Scotsman. Fuck Republicans too.

The anti-taxation 'faith' in the US is not *that* deeply rooted; the American Revolution was ignited by resentment against taxation by a colonial MONARCH, not against a democratically controlled taxation regime.

Democracy sucks, you're at the mercy of the 51%. What if 51% of people want to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide? Though a more down to earth example is Hollywood, the most "liberal" areas is for idea monopolization. Also, George Washington was a Tyrant, have you ever heard about the Whiskey Rebellion?

Taxation is theft, War is murder and Arrests are kidnapping. The only difference is thugs with guns say it isn't, but ethically, it is.
commodore256 11 Mar 2020
I don't like any political party, they all suck. I want gay farmers to be able to protect their weed crops with fully automatic weapons and pay a 0% tax.
I believe they have that in Somalia.

Somalia isn't government-less, Somalia is multiple governments trying force themselves to be the monopolistic government.
Projectile Vomit 11 Mar 2020
Meh, it's a fun retro game and the turtles look a bit like Mitch McConnell, so...
Purple Library Guy 11 Mar 2020
I don't like any political party, they all suck. I want gay farmers to be able to protect their weed crops with fully automatic weapons and pay a 0% tax.
I believe they have that in Somalia.

Somalia isn't government-less, Somalia is multiple governments trying force themselves to be the monopolistic government.
Well, yes. And what did you think would instantly happen the moment a region was government-less?
The war of each against all will always devolve into the war of warlords against warlords, and ultimately to some form of monopoly on violence, which will harness social resources to maintain itself. This generally improves the situation rather than making it worse, but that's not relevant to the basic fact: It will happen.
The only question is what form. The more popular voice in what is done with those social resources, the better. So representative democracies are better than dictatorships, less-fake representative democracies are better than more-fake ones (the US having about the fakest currently), co-operatives are better than corporations, representative democracies with proportional representation and a wide choice of political parties are better than ones with first-past-the-post or only two political parties, direct democracy is better than representative democracy.

Mind you, just because your dream no-government zero-taxation scenario would instantly disappear if it could somehow be created, doesn't mean it would be a good thing even if it could somehow be maintained. Zero taxation means near-zero social organization, which means savagery. Your weed farmer would never eat a banana again, or post nonsense on the internet, or travel more than 100 miles. No roads, no internet, almost no education or health care, no plumbing, no movies, few books, little electricity, bits of technology might exist in small enclaves but would be unable to spread or combine with the other bits. And, of course, widespread banditry and violence.
commodore256 11 Mar 2020
Well, yes. And what did you think would instantly happen the moment a region was government-less?

I don't know, it hasn't happened in a western culture in contemporary age.

Zero taxation means near-zero social organization, which means savagery.

You act like that doesn't happen with cops today. I talked to a guy that was raped by a police chief. I don't expect good service from a monopoly.

Your weed farmer would never eat a banana again, or post nonsense on the internet, or travel more than 100 miles. No roads, no internet, almost no education or health care, no plumbing, no movies, few books, little electricity, bits of technology might exist in small enclaves but would be unable to spread or combine with the other bits. And, of course, widespread banditry and violence.

You act like demand for those services like roads and internet and medicine and security wouldn't exist in absence of a monopoly on arbitration. We tried big Gooberment in the West, it was called Germany and East-Germany. We also tried direct-democracy in places Sanfran, they have propositions and look at their homeless populations and banning of plastic straws.
Cyril 11 Mar 2020
Democracy sucks, you're at the mercy of the 51%.[...]

I repeat it's not a democracy, for fuck's sake please stop calling these governments the same name when they have nothing in common. In a democracy you vote for the laws directly, you and evrybody DO the politics, you don't vote for someone to do politics for you.
Taxation is theft, it's being taken under threat of kidnapping and if you resist kidnapping via defending yourself instead of running away, they kill you. I don't care who you're stealing from, it's still theft. I think trusting central planners and a monopoly on arbitration not to be corrupt is utopian.

Awesome, this clarifies everything. Best wishes going forward.
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