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Wildermyth stole my heart a little, a tactical RPG with a beautifully designed Papercraft world and plenty of character development. It's going to steal more of my time now too with a whole new campaign out now.

It plays out a bit like a classic tabletop D&D RPG, with various story campaigns you play through and with the recent update, Monarchs Under the Mountain is a brand new five-chapter story. Not only that the patch also comes with new events, existing events were improved, there's new particle effects plus a bunch of other improvements across the game.

Just look at how cool the Papercraft style is!

I didn't need much of an excuse to play more Wildermyth but a whole new campaign just has to be done. It's the crazy stories that happen in Wildermyth that I love and make me really need to play just one more games, plus the comic-book styled ripped-paper presentation that's just so lovely.

Characters in Wildermyth are a bit deeper than other similar games too. It has some of the usual bits like equipment and characters that gain a specialised role but they can also age, fall in love, die and a whole lot more. When you finish a campaign, they become something of a myth (Wildermyth—get it?) and the leave a legacy behind them which you can use in future campaigns. This special roster of dead or used heroes makes the big circle of Wildermyth quite fun and unique.

My favourite ability remains with the Mystic character type, who can infuse themselves with inanimate objects. Take the shrine below for example, covered in bones. I infused a character with it, who then gained the ability to jab an enemy with a Bonelance made from it:

Quick feature highlight:

  • Reminiscent of tabletop roleplaying, unique heroes are born in unique settings every game. They age, transform, fall in love, disagree, and make harrowing sacrifices.
  • Each hero brings their own organic history and personality with them, but your choices and combat skills are what decide their paths and outcomes.
  • All heroes die someday… but you get to hold on to your favorites. Reintroduce them in the next adventure, and over many lifetimes the myths you make will form your own legendary pantheon.

Not seen it in action yet? Check out the trailer (also see my initial thoughts):

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The team at Worldwalker Games seem to have hit the mark with Wildermyth, as it's managed to gain over 600 user reviews on Steam and a glowing rating. Speaking about how well it's doing, they said:

We're really thrilled with how much people seem to like Wildermyth, and we're excited to have the chance to keep working on it. We've always nursed a secret ambition that this game could become more than just another RPG, that it could grow to be a storytelling platform that anyone can contribute to. We want to bring the best of tabletop roleplaying to the digital realm.

It's still in Early Access and will be for a while but it's incredibly impressive. The Linux version does work quite well but there's a mouse input bug when in fullscreen at the moment, so you may need to play it in windowed mode. Want to see what they have coming in future? They have a roadmap here.

Hopefully it will have a long life, it's already pretty great and with modding support hopefully it will continue to shine even after it's finished for people to add entirely new characters, stories, events and more.

Find it in Early Access on Steam and

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Mar 3, 2020
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I might have missed this one before. I added it to my itch list.
Schattenspiegel Mar 5, 2020
looking good! Do they have a release window yet?
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