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What have you been playing recently? Come tell us what you think about it

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Last updated: 5 Apr 2020 at 5:47 pm UTC

Every so often we like to have a chat with our readers, and find out what you've been really getting into lately on Linux.

Since the UK is currently in lockdown, I've been spending some extra time with the mini-me since school is out and I've been trying out everything they're into. This has involved, unsurprisingly, a lot of Minecraft since it's an accessible game. We've recently discovered a few communities than run huge servers, and each have a ton of mini-games. One such mini-game is Bed Wars, and it's actually quite a lot of fun.

Each team spawns on their own little island, giving you time to protect your Bed which acts as your spawn point. Lose your bed, no more re-spawning and it's the last team standing. It can get really quite tense actually! When you're busy gathering material from your team Summoner, to turn around and spot an opposing team quickly building a bridge over to your island and suddenly panic sets in. I've been trying it out on TheHive server, which seems to work well.

I also consider myself something of a Dragon Ball super fan, so I finally caved in and picked up a personal copy of DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT (Humble Store / Steam) and I must admit my intense surprise at just how flawless it runs in the latest Proton 5.0-5 for Steam Play.

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Like the HUD in the top left? That's the brilliant MangoHud covered here on GOL a few times now.

As you can see above, performance is fluid with it on max settings. It's actually a little ridiculous how easy gaming on Linux has become. Now I just need to work on my reflexes for such a fast game…I'm not usually one for fighters like it.

So GOL readers over to you: what have you been gaming on Linux lately and what are you thoughts on it? Let us know in the comments.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly checked on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly. You can also follow my personal adventures on Bluesky.
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Spirimint 5 Apr 2020
I`m playing Kubifaktorium, after 150 hours still awesome.

Vintage story its sooooofood. And Steamworld Dig 2.
JJNova 5 Apr 2020
Animal Crossing.

Lots, and lots of Animal Crossing.
F.Ultra 5 Apr 2020
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Been watching my partner play Celeste. Can't believe he beat the PICO-8 version his first try! So proud! ^-^

* Stardew Valley (I always need more automation)
* completed Blackwell Convergence (pretty cool, need to replay a bit for achievements)
* started Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition (but might restart because I didn't listen to the tutorial like a dumbass)
* resumed Cultist Simulator (how the fuck do I play this thing??--on second thought, don't tell me)
* started Dream Daddy: Dadrector's Cut because I'm currently sick as a dog and badly needed some Dad-humour laughs

Oh, right... also language drilling with Slime Forest Adventure. It's an old game that fools me into learning Japanese kanji and word readings in the form of a simplified classic RPG. More about it [here](http://lrnj.com/) if language learning piques your interest.

The Blackwell games are all awesome, never got any of the achievements to unlock in the Linux version unfortunately.
Cybolic 5 Apr 2020
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I played and finished [Terminator: Resistance](https://store.steampowered.com/app/954740/Terminator_Resistance/) which ran flawlessly through Proton on my Ultrawide monitor (3440x1440) and was surprisingly nice to play with my Steam Controller (aim-down-sight + gyro control = chef kiss). This is actually one of the only games I've finished in recent years and I fully recommend any Terminator fan to play it.
It's a bit like Fallout 3 with the big difference that I didn't dislike it one bit ;)
Arten 5 Apr 2020
Ashes of the Singularity, i'm transhumanist who love RTS, so... this game is perfect for me. I only wish for another story DLC...
Kingdome Come Deliverence.
Drakker 5 Apr 2020
With the little ones, a lot of Horizon Chase Turbo, Shovel Knight and Hammerwatch. When they get better, it will be time to hop into Legend of Dungeon.

Myself, some Vintage Story, been trying out the free Tomb Raider 2013 but it isn't very good. I recently completed The Station, which was way too short but incredibly good. I also finished Near Death, which is another very short but fantastic game. Next on the list is The Witcher II (not 3), it was incredibly cheap recently and it's about time I check what all the hype is about.

On my to do list I also have to complete Iconoclast which is sweet so far, A.N.N.E., Into the Breach, Lingotopia, Super Tony Land, Stealth Bastard Deluxe and Wizard of Legend.
axredneck 5 Apr 2020
1. Some Doom wads: City of DooM, Eviternity... with GZDoom
2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R with Смерти вопреки: в паутине лжи mod
3. Minetest with some addons

Last edited by axredneck on 5 Apr 2020 at 11:34 pm UTC
Kohrias 6 Apr 2020
Ashes of the Singularity, i'm transhumanist who love RTS, so... this game is perfect for me. I only wish for another story DLC...

What Proton version and settings do you use to get Ashes of the Singularity running? Nvidia or AMD video card?
Mohandevir 6 Apr 2020
Witcher 3, Doom 2016. On top of that, my daughter and my son discovered Sonic All-Star Racing. In split screen, we have quite a blast, thanks to Proton!
Hamish 6 Apr 2020
I just finished playing through Penumbra: Overture again but on Hard this time.


Next up is Black Plague, but it looks like I stumbled on another article to write with this one.
shawnsterp 6 Apr 2020
Funny thing, I decided to take a look in my "unplayable folder". There were only two items in there, and I am happy to say that Last Epoch has fixed their issues with some linux machines being unable to login, which means that it is now playable for me. They have also fixed a longstanding bug whereby the mana ball would always appear empty.

I gotta say, they have made a lot of improvements to the game in general. it looks great, and is fun to play. If your not familiar, it is a diablo 3 / Path of exile game. It is different enough from both to be unique.
ageres 6 Apr 2020
Resident Evil 3, which needs Proton GE (it doesn't work with regular Proton despite the demo does) and the mfplat fix. At first it crashed every few minutes, but it stopped after I lowered some graphics settings to reduce VRAM usage.

I also recently switched to RetroArch with Beetle PSX HW core for PS1 emulation. ePSXe runs very poorly on my new computer, mednafen is too picky about games images and renders games only at the native PS1 resolution. RetroArch also supports .chd file format allowing to reduce images size greatly with chdman utility. The new Ozone UI is much better than the old one. I've finished some PS1 games, now I'm playing Parasite Eve 2.
mihaib 6 Apr 2020
I've been playing The Long Dark this quarantine. I had it in my steam library and I tough it is the perfect time to try it, and I actually love it.
Next on my list is FTL Faster Than Light, I did play it a little bit a long back but now I have more time so after I am done with The long Dark that is my next one
seamoose 6 Apr 2020
Well, I was playing The Witcher 3 but on Saturday I read a discussion about Subnautica on /r/patientgamers and decided to try it out since I got it for free from the Epic store and it's essentially DRM-free. I am now eight hours in and I've got six lockers full of titanium with no end in sight...

Also playing a bit of Little Nightmares (good but not great), Monkey Island 2 (never finished it), The Journey Down (again, now that I have all three episodes), and Trine 2 (coop with my daughter who is trapped at home with her parents).
alexbrrsclnt 6 Apr 2020
This weekend I downloaded Automobilista 2 (Early Access), and although it has some bugs, the performance is quite good, and online races work well.

Last edited by alexbrrsclnt on 6 Apr 2020 at 5:46 am UTC
Purple Library Guy 6 Apr 2020
I was meaning to play different stuff but I'm back on Stellaris. Having fun with this run, though. I'm running idealized Commies/social anarchists . . . fanatically Egalitarian, democratic government, Shared Burden civic, even got the commissar-style voice-over. What I'm enjoying is that though they're Materialists, the anarchist utopia didn't seem to quite go with either massive genetic engineering or turning everyone into machines, so I was quite stoked that an interesting event let me go the Psychic route instead.
One thing I always find annoying in the later stages of Stellaris is that, with all the migration, my leader pool is always cluttered up with various aliens when I want to recruit my species 'cos they're frankly superior. I guess I can avoid that by being evil, which is fun now and then but . . .
Boldos 6 Apr 2020
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- Stellaris (after the release of Federations DLC) => Very nice update, really worth it...
- X4: Foundations (after the release of Split Vendetta DLC). Very nice update, lots of bugs fixed (some new introduced). Really worth it
- World of Warships => just tryint it out. Very good... for a weekend, then a bit repetitive
- Bioshock Remastered Edition => Oh my! A wonderful game. Like System Shock 2, just in 4K. Just awesome :)
- Unity3D => spent already around 10 hours of tutorials & 2 other full days fiddling with it.... Building my 1st space empire game :)
Corben 6 Apr 2020
My recently played games have been:

  • Everspace:

    An all timer, I'm trying to finish a hardcore run (the real rogue-like, perma-death mode) with the Gunship, which is the most difficult ship to steer imho.

  • GTFO:

    A really difficult hardcore stealth coop "shooter" (though you mostly melee enemies). The interesting thing about this is, 10chambers is releasing new levels constantly (it's in early access now, and this happened for the first time now), and the previous levels (combined in a "rundown") are gone then. So if you haven't seen the levels, well, you're out of luck. But damn, this game is totally my type of game.

  • Half-Life: Alyx:

    Though I'm experiencing some crashes here and there, and performance isn't the best, this is the best triple A story VR game I've played so far (Boneworks and The Solus Project are good too). Haven't finished it yet, because... damn this game gives me the creeps from time to time. I guess I've never screamed (in a game) like this. Enjoy (spoilerfree):
    - https://www.twitch.tv/corben78/clip/TransparentSarcasticKangarooPunchTrees
    - https://www.twitch.tv/corben78/clip/CoyProductiveFriseeRedCoat
    - https://www.twitch.tv/corben78/clip/DullCautiousArtichokeOSkomodo

Last edited by Corben on 6 Apr 2020 at 7:37 am UTC
jahid65 6 Apr 2020
Tomb Raider (2013) free from Steam. I am loving it very much. I already have next 2 sequels and played Rise of TR a pretty good portion(Soviet installation, where Jack has gone to his village). First part is smaller and condensed. I am on the last part of the first game. Only samurai soldiers, other soldiers, Big Ony and main boss are left.

Another one is AC:Odyssey. I am in Athenian base to destroy their war supply and captain. It's a huge game. I am taking time.
Dea1993 6 Apr 2020
in the last month, i've played:
Batman Arkham knight (with wine/lutris from epic store) and South Park stick of truth (with proton from steam).
and now i'm playing:
just cause 3 (with proton), shadow of the tomb raider, and i should start life is strange before the storm (already bought)
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