Valve's free to play auto-battle strategy game Dota Underlords has received its first major post-release update.
After announcing earlier this month that updates to Dota Underlords had slowed due to the COVID19 pandemic, as well as their team helping other Valve projects, they have returned to Underlords now.
This update brings in a new 'Classic Mode' available for casual online battles and private, which does away with the Underlords and brings back all the Creep waves. What they say is for nostalgia, on the earlier versions of Underlords. Quite a nice addition actually, hopefully they will add Ranked play for it too.
A bunch of new heroes got rotated into Underlords with: Vengeful Spirit, Meepo, Spirit Breaker, Spectre, Death Prophet, Pangolier, Rubick and Wraith Kin. Plus, multiple other heroes have returned with: Anti-Mage, Bounty Hunter, Enchantress, Phantom Assassin, Kunkka, Alchemist, Puck and Lina.
Since this is another season, a bunch of heroes were also rotated out of the game including: Arc Warden, Bloodseeker, Broodmother, Disruptor, Enigma, Io, Morphling, Necrophos, Nyx Assassin, Ogre Magi, Razor, Sand King, Shadow Fiend, Tiny, Warlock, Weaver, Witch Doctor.
There's also new alliances, new items and bug fixes. You also have to deal with a Rank Reset, with all ranks above Grifter being moved down one major level and all lowered ranks were reset to the first minor level. So it's time to get that rank back up then.
Looks like it's still doing pretty well, with it regularly seeing over seven thousand players online at once. Since this update, the playerbase seems to have shot up to around ten thousand as well. You can play Dota Underlords free on Steam.
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