Frictional are ready and waiting to scare us silly with Amnesia: Rebirth releasing soon, and they have a brand new trailer to get us in the mood.
"In Amnesia: Rebirth, you are Tasi Trianon, waking up deep in the desert of Algeria. Days have passed. Where have you been? What did you do? Where are the others? Retrace your journey, pull together the fragments of your shattered past; it is your only chance to survive the pitiless horror that threatens to devour you."
In the new trailer (below) you listen to Salim, one of the surviving crew members of the plane Cassandra, which suffered some sort of breakdown and crashed in the Algerian Desert. This new trailer gives is a brief but very interesting peek into some of the environments to be found throughout Amnesia: Rebirth.

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You can pre-order now on GOG and Steam. It's releasing for Linux on October 20.
If you missed it, the last two Amnesia games recently had their game engine open sourced!
Nightmare times are coming.
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