With sleek arcade-racing action, the bright and colourful Vecter has left Early Access today along with the recently launched Linux version.
Vecter is pretty much an endless runner, and a great one too that's seriously easy to just pick up and play when you have a few minutes to spare. Not easy though, far from it. You need some good reflexes! There's plenty of obstacles and enemies thrown in your way. It's fast, intense and a huge amount of fun. Race as long as possible, rise up the leaderboards and just don't crash.
To give you something to work towards, there is actually a goal here. You're trying to become "top dog" for day, which is the player who got the most points via a combination of high speeds, near-death misses, point collecting and distance travelled. Each day the entire track is reset so it's always different, and the same for the leaderboard. They setup a "wall of legends" on the official site to show the winner for each day.
Since it's free, you've got nothing to lose. Why is free though? The developer said it's "my hobby, my passion and my donation to the world for all to enjoy regardless of age, sex, location, race, wealth and social status". It's been 556 days since their first bit of code was checked into their version control and they said how it's been "a long journey, but not a painful one" thanks to having "no sleepless nights trying to meet a deadline, no sales target to hit" as they just wanted to make a game and get it out there.
Check out their latest video, showing off how it progressed through the development:

Direct Link
You can play it on Steam, entirely free to play. However, you can buy the Donation Pack DLC to support the developer.
Steam clients get the exclusivity of the Linux version, it seems DRM-free players are supposed to be happy with Windows support only, cf. [the itch.io store page](https://taranasus.itch.io/vecter).The Steam version is DRM-free. I just checked. In fact, if anything, it seems to run slightly better without Steam in the background.
Had some issues with the controller configuration but found that binding the keyboard controls to my Steam Controller worked. Could not get my Logitech F710 to be recognised in-game though.
Fun racing game with surprisingly-responsive controls and good music.Yeah, there's something not right with the controller support. I sometimes have to restart to get it to recognise my 360 controller, and it occasionally forgets again (although, oddly, not, so far, mid-game).
Had some issues with the controller configuration but found that binding the keyboard controls to my Steam Controller worked. Could not get my Logitech F710 to be recognised in-game though.
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