Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus, the very cool turn-based strategy game from Bulwark Studios and Kasedo Games is worth a look this weekend.
They've just announced that they've put up a Complete Collection bundle, so if you were interested in picking it up you can buy it as one big bundle of the base game plus the DLC. Not only that though, you can now try before you buy as it's on a Steam Free Weekend - this means you can download and play for free and it's also on a big discount so if you decide you like it you can grab it cheaps.
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A much slower game compared with lots of other Warhammer 40K titles, and it explores a cast and setting not often shown with The Adeptus Mechanicus. As Magos Dominus Faustinius, you’ll lead the expedition on the newly rediscovered Necron planet of Silva Tenebris. Customize your team, manage resources, discover long-forgotten tech, and control your Tech-Priests’ every move.
It's highly rated, and for good reason! Not only does it look great and have a fantastic atmosphere, it's quite challenging too. If you've been after a new strategy game, Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus is a fine choice.
Find it on Steam.
The odd little choice scenarios are pretty random though; the risks and rewards from getting them right or wrong aren't huge but I still have a tendency to savescum them somewhat. But they're not a big part of the game, and although in a gameplay sense they're slightly annoying, they convey atmosphere well.
And I enjoy the dialogue the senior priests get into before you send a group on a mission. All the little quotations from the machine god bible and so forth . . . it definitely feels like it couldn't be any other setting. The music really fits too, this sort of powerful but gloomy organ-type music, very much a creepy Catholic church kind of feel.
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