Another week comes to a close and there's been a number of fun releases lately - so come have another community chat in the comments about what you've been playing.
For me here, to I'm sure no surprise, there's been a rather lot of Metro Exodus since it's now released for Linux. Quite a beauty this one, another game where (like Valheim), I find myself taking screenshots constantly because some of the scenes are just awesome or completely surprising.
Here's a few fun shots of it in my travels so far (click to enlarge):
4A Games and Deep Silver managed to do a Linux port that does perform very well. However, it's not without issues. It eats ram for breakfast, lunch and dinner - there's what seems to be a memory leak somewhere which has been seen across both AMD and NVIDIA. We've been told they have confirmed the issue in support tickets - so they are aware it's a problem.
No doubt I will be returning to Valheim once this is finished with…
Voxel Tycoon is also sucking up some of my time, it's capturing me in a way that other building, management and logistical sims haven't before. The thought of building up through an endless work is quite enticing to get everything working together.
Over to you: what have you been playing recently and what are your thoughts on it? Give over your latest and greatest recommendations to fellow GOL readers.
Config :
Debian 11
Locale french
Core i7 4790
NVidia RTX 2070 SUPER w/ NVidia blob 460.67
7 TB SSD (and same of HDD)
Last edited by Rooster on 18 Apr 2021 at 5:10 pm UTC
I think it's made with a controller in mind, maybe I'll try it with a steam controller and see if that helps.
My little one recently discovered the Minecraft Create mod, so I think that's what he's going to be doing for a while.
Been trying No Man's Sky via proton. Seems to run just fine. Aside from the main plot missions, I'm not sure how much I'm in to it. Everything seems cumbersome, from the building, to the exploring, to the foot and space combat.Both me and my little one found NMS to be fine with kb/m. There's a setting in the controls ("Locked") to make flight less weird. The building system is really clunky, though.
I think it's made with a controller in mind, maybe I'll try it with a steam controller and see if that helps.
Last edited by FredO on 18 Apr 2021 at 3:01 pm UTC
It's a very cute game, though. And it does make me want to explore more. I can see how it would be a ton of fun with a few friends or family members
As for the recent Metro Exodus release, I'm still waiting (and hopefully) for it to make it to GOG too. I've done a full playthrough in Wine already but wouldn't mind a round 2.
This week I have mostly been playing Batman Arkham Knight after getting the entire Batman series on sale on Steam a few months ago and finishing Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. They run fairly well but I have to disable or unplug my second monitor or the game shows up on the wrong screen.
Still dabbling with Cyberpunk (in Windows

Distro: Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
GPU: Nvidia GTX 980 Ti
Storage: 1TB NVMe drive and a 3TB HDD (games are installed on the spinning rust)
Love the gunplay. pretty immersive.
Gameplay from start of the game:
Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning - wine/dxvk - My Go to PvP MMORPG.
Hired Ops - proton - Free to play Shooter, looks like older call of duty games... made few matches..seems Okaish so far
Gameplay of first Match:
Last edited by Xpander on 18 Apr 2021 at 3:32 pm UTC
Always after the Intro, it crashed to the Desktop.
Config :
Manjaro Gnome
Locale german
Core i7 2600, 8GB RAM
NVidia GTX 1060 6GB / NVidia 460.67
BUT , wit Proton it runs smooth, BUT I dont want to play it with Proton...
So I have fun with X3 Albion Prelude !
Withcer 3 yes "He is a fookin legend" with proton it works better than on windows for me.
Counter-Strike GO as usual.
Albion online for some dungeon and arena team combat
Hereos of storm as moba
Guild Wars 2 for True MMORPG i like it so much. very fun with cousins and friends
Also recently finished the main Desperados III campaign, another great game from Mimimi, and started playing the DLC and Baron challenges. It's too much of a good thing though, so I'm putting it aside for a while and will come back to finish it in a few months when I've got the itch again. On the other hand, it made me start replaying Shadow Tactics on hard to get (most of...) the achievements I missed on my first playthrough years ago.
Started Tales From The Borderlands as a prelude to playing the Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary DLC in Borderlands 2. I'm not sure why, but Telltale games can't seem to hold my attention very well. I've been a point & click adventure game fan for decades but there's just not enough interactivity in Telltale games.
Finally, still occasionally playing through Divinity: Original Sin 2 in coop with my daughter, which I estimate we will finish a couple of years before the heat death of the universe...
Last edited by seamoose on 18 Apr 2021 at 5:50 pm UTC
So I spent my time finishing Spiritfarer. Amazing, joyous, heart-warming, and ultimately quite sad experience. Highly recommend that. It reminds me a little of the excellent proton-only title Wandersong.
Otherwise, just Noita, just like always. I've opted into the beta now and the amount of new content there is just insane. Nolla are kings, just gutted they didn't do a native version, even if the proton version is seamless.
It's a good old (J)RPG with story, exploring, crafting and plenty of side-quests :-)

Despite having played through "Deus Ex: Human Revolution", "Mankind Divided" and even "The Fall", I had never actually played all the way through the famous original in the series before. I had started to play it a couple of times during the years but it was always interrupted for some reason or other before I got very far.

Last edited by Feist on 18 Apr 2021 at 5:44 pm UTC
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