If you're after a new strategy game to sink you mouse fingers into - check out AI War 2 as the huge second expansion AI War 2: Zenith Onslaught has just released.
The Zenith Onslaught expansion is absolutely jam-packed with features. From "small" details like powerful new elite Cruisers that you can put in a new slot in your fleets, to galaxy-spanning empires like the Dark Zenith and the Zenith Architrave, this expansion is filled with new tools to use and new foes to best. Wormhole Borers let certain AIs alter the map topology, while Nomad Planets alter the map topology on their own as they roam around. The Zenith Miners consume entire planets, and Golem variants abound. There are also options to make some of the new fations your allies, and take on the AI together.
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Sometime real soon (1-2 months) the full online multiplayer co-op update will go live too. We're told it's been "feature-complete for months, but is still undergoing testing". They did plan to have it out at the same time as the expansion but want more time for testing. They said that online multiplayer "equired some novel design work that we hope can be useful to other developers; once we're past the last of the bugs we hope to present our findings so that other games in other genres can benefit from our work in making self-correcting mod-safe multi-threaded complex simulations of arbitrarily large sizes a reality"
You can buy AI War 2 and expansions on GOG, Humble Store and Steam.
To celebrate, the new and definitive AI War 2: Titan Edition is also available now on Steam. This including the first two DLCs and the base game. Plus all Arcen titles and DLC are on discount up to 75% off through May 21st.
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